4.2Changing the Configuration of a BIOS Menu Item
You can change the BIOS configuration by using a terminal (or terminal emulator connected to a computer) through the serial console port on the front of the Sun Netra CP3220 blade server.
Note – Using the ANSI terminal emulation mode provides the best viewing of the BIOS screens.
1.To change the system’s parameters, enter the BIOS Setup utility by pressing the F2 key while the system is performing the
Refer to TABLE
2.Highlight the field to be modified using the arrow and Tab keys.
3.Press Enter to select the field.
A dialog box is displayed. The box displays the options that are available for the setup field that you have chosen.
4.Modify the setup field and close the screen.
5.To modify other setup parameters, use the arrow and Tab keys to navigate to the appropriate screen and menu item, and repeat Step 2 through Step 4.
Otherwise, go to Step 6.
6.Press and release the right arrow key until the Exit menu screen is displayed.
7.Follow the instructions on the Exit menu screen to save your changes and exit the Setup utility.