Chapter 4
Installing deduplication
This chapter includes the following topics:
■About installing deduplication
■About the deduplication license key
■Licensing NetBackup deduplication
■Replacing the deduplication storage server host computer
■Uninstalling media server deduplication
About installing deduplication
The NetBackup deduplication components are installed by default on the supported host systems. However, you must enter a license key to enable deduplication.
Before you try to install or upgrade to a NetBackup version that supports deduplication, be aware of the following:
■NetBackup supports deduplication on specific
For the supported systems, see the NetBackup Release Notes.
■NetBackup deduplication components cannot reside on the same host as a PureDisk Deduplication Option agent.
To use a PDDO agent host for NetBackup deduplication, first remove the PDDO agent from that host.
See the NetBackup PureDisk Deduplication Option (PDDO) Guide. Then, upgrade that host to NetBackup 7.0 or later.
Finally, configure that host as a deduplication storage server or as a load balancing server.