Chapter 3
Provisioning the storage
This chapter includes the following topics:
■About provisioning the storage
■About deduplication storage requirements
■About deduplication storage capacity
■About the deduplication storage paths
About provisioning the storage
How to provision the storage is beyond the scope of the NetBackup documentation. For help, consult the storage vendor's documentation.
What you choose as your storage destination affects how you provision the storage. NetBackup requirements also may affect how you provision the storage.
See “About the deduplication storage type” on page 19.
About deduplication storage requirements
The storage for the NetBackup Media Server Deduplication Option is disk storage. The storage must be attached to the NetBackup media server that functions as the storage server. Attached means a file system mount on the storage. You must provision the storage such that a file system is mounted on the media server.
The storage can be SAN storage or network attached storage. The minimum requirement is for the disk storage that is capable of read and write performance of 130 MB/sec.
The storage must be configured and operational before you can configure deduplication in NetBackup.