Troubleshooting 97
Viewing disk errors and events
To change the volume state to UP
◆Mount the file system
After a brief period of time, the volume state changes to UP. No further action is required.
Errors, delayed response, hangs
Insufficient memory or inadequate host capabilities may cause multiple errors, delayed response, and hangs.
See “About deduplication server requirements” on page 23.
For virtual machines, Symantec recommends that you do the following:
■Set the memory size of each virtual machine to double the physical memory of the host.
■Set the minimum and the maximum values of each virtual machine to the same value (double the physical memory of the host). These memory settings prevent the virtual memory from becoming fragmented on the disk because it does not grow or shrink.
These recommendations may not be the best configuration for every virtual machine. However, Symantec recommends that you try this solution first when troubleshooting performance issues.
Viewing disk errors and events
You can view disk errors and events in several ways, as follows:
■The Disk Logs report.
See “Viewing disk reports” on page 81.
■The NetBackup bperror command with the
UNIX: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
Windows: install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd
Deduplication event codes and messages
The following table shows the deduplication event codes and their messages. Event codes appear in the bperror command