Chapter 7
This chapter includes the following topics:
■Troubleshooting installation issues
■Troubleshooting configuration issues
■Troubleshooting operational issues
■Viewing disk errors and events
■Deduplication event codes and messages
Troubleshooting installation issues
The following sections may help you troubleshoot configuration issues.
See “Installation on SUSE Linux fails” on page 93.
Installation on SUSE Linux fails
The installation trace log shows an error when you install on SUSE:
....NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installed in /usr/openv.
Is it OK to install in /usr/openv? [y,n] (y)
Reading NetBackup files from /net/nbstore/vol/test_data/PDDE_packages/ suse/NB_FID2740_LinuxS_x86_20090713_6.6.0.27209/linuxS_x86/anb
/net/nbstore/vol/test_data/PDDE_packages/suse/NB_FID2740_LinuxS_x86_ 20090713_6.6.0.27209/linuxS_x86/catalog/anb/NB.file_trans: symbol lookup error: /net/nbstore/vol/test_data/PDDE_packages/suse/ NB_FID2740_LinuxS_x86_20090713_6.6.0.27209/linuxS_x86/catalog/anb/ NB.file_trans: undefined symbol: head /net/nbstore/vol/test_data/