Operating the Equipment Locally
Page 4-76 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
Table 4.81: Other Frequency Options
Selected Option Description
None No other frequency is in use.
in use One or more other frequencies are in use.
4.11.6 Descriptor Type = Cable
Frequency Option
See Frequency Option on page 4-73.
Modulation Type Option
To access the Modulation Type option, press the Modulation Type softkey
in the Delivery Descriptor Menu. This screen enables the type of
modulation used by the cable channel to be specified.
Table 4.82: Modulation Type Options
Selected Option Description
16-QAM Cable channel uses 16QAM modulation.
32-QAM Cable channel uses 32QAM modulation.
64-QAM Cable channel uses 64QAM modulation.
128-QAM Cable channel uses 128QAM modulation.
256-QAM Cable channel uses 256QAM modulation.

FEC (Outer) Option

To access the FEC (Outer) option, press the FEC (Outer) softkey in the
Delivery Descriptor Menu. This screen enables the outer FEC rate used
by the cable channel to be specified.
Table 4.83: FEC (Outer) Options
Selected Option Description
No outer FEC coding Cable channel does not use outer FEC.

FEC (Inner) Option

To access the FEC (Inner) option, press the FEC (Inner) softkey in the
Delivery Descriptor Menu. This screen enables the inner FEC rate used
by the cable channel to be specified.