Operating the Equipment Locally
Page 4-20 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
Table 4.3: SI Level Options
Selected Option Description
PAT/PMT/CAT only Program Association Table/ Program Map Table/ Conditional
Access Table.
PAT/PMT only Program Association Table/ Program Map Table.
Off Elementary streams only.
Major Channel Option (3.0 and later)
This is associated with the field major_channel_number and is used to
group all channels that are to be identified as belonging to a particular
broadcast corporation. To access the Short Channel Name option, press
the Major Channel softkey in the Service Info Menu. This option allows
the Major Channel name to be changed.
Minor Channel Option (3.0 and later)
This is associated with the field minor_channel_number and is used to
identify a particular channel within the major_channel_number group of
channels. To access the Minor Channel option press the Minor Channel
softkey in the Service Info Menu.
Program Number Option
To access the Program Number option, press the Program Number
softkey in the Service Info Menu. This enables the Program Number to
be specified. In ATSC this is used as the basis of the PMT PID (same as
Service ID in DVB). The information is inc luded in the Program A ssociation
Table (PAT), Program Map Table (PMT) and VCT.
This option is not displayed if the unit is set to generate PSIP externally or it is under MEM control.
Table 4.4: Program Number Options
Selected Option Description
Min: 1
Max: 65535
Step Size: 1
Program Number.
Service Type Option (3.0 and later)
To access the Service Type option, press the Service Type softkey in the
Service Info Menu. This option allows the Service Type to be changed.
PMT PID Option
The PMT PID option is found in the Service Info Menu. It shows the
Program Map Table Packet Identifier and cannot be changed.