Page A-4 Instruction Manual: ev olution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
Earth Technical Earth: Ensures that all equipment chassis within a rack are at the same potential, usually by
connecting a wire between the Technical earth terminal and a suitable point on the rack. T his is sometimes known
as a Functional earth.
Protective Earth: Used for electric shock protection. This is sometimes known as a safety earth.
EBU European Broadcast Union.
ECM Entitlement Control Message.
EDI Ethernet Data Input
EIA Electronics Industries Association (USA).
EIT Event Information Table: Equipment: A component of the DVB-Service Information (SI) stream generated within
an Encoder, containing information about events or programmes such as event name, start time, durati on, etc.
System: EIT (Present/Following) contains the name of the current and next event. It may include an optional
descriptor (synopsis) giving brief details of content. EIT (Schedule) is used to produce a ful l EPG. The EIT is the
only DVB-SI table, which can be encrypted.
Elementary Stream A generic term for a cod ed bit-stream, be it video, audio or other.
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility.
EMM Entitlement Management Message.
Encryption Encoding of a transmission to prevent access without the appropriate decrypti on equipment and authorisation.
EPG Electronic Programme Guide: On-screen progra mme listing using thumbnail pictures and/or text.
Ethernet The most widely used local area network (LAN) defined by the IEEE as the 802.3 standard. Transmission speeds
vary according to the configuration. Ethernet uses copper or fibre-optic cables.
ETS European Telecommunications Standard.
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
FCC Federal Com munications Commission.
FDM Frequency Division Multiplex: A common communicati on channel for a number of signals, each with its own
allotted frequency.
FEC Forward Error Correction: A method of catching errors in a tra nsmission. The data is processed through an
algorithm that adds extra bits and sends these with the transmitted data. The extra bits are then us ed at the
receiving end to check the accuracy of the transmission and correct any errors.
FFT Fast Fourier Transformation: A fast algorithm for performing a discrete Fourier transform.
FIFO First In, First Out: A data structure or hardware buffer from which items are taken out in the same order they
were put in. Also known as a shelf from the analogy with pushing items onto one end of a shelf so that t hey fall off
the other. A FIFO is useful for buffering a stream of data between a sender and receiver that are not synchronised
- i.e. they not sending and receiving at exactly the same rate.
Footprint The area of the Earth’s surface covered by a satellite’s downlink transmission. Also (generally) the area from
which the satellite can receive uplink transmissions.
FTP File Transfer Protocol: A protocol used to transfer files over a TCP/IP network (Internet, UNIX, etc.). For
example, after developing the HTML pages for a Web site on a local machine, they are typic ally uploaded to the
Web server, using FTP. Unlike e-mail programs in which graphics and program files have t o be attached, FTP is
designed to handle binary files directly and does not add the overhead of encoding and decoding the data.
G.703 The ITU-T standard which defines the physical and electrical characteristics of hiera rchical digital interfaces.
GOP Group of Pictures: MPEG video compression works more effectively by processing a number of video frames as
a block. The TANDBERG Television Encoder normally uses a 12 frame GOP; every twelfth frame is an I fr ame.
GUI Graphical User Interface: The use of pictures rather than just words to represent the input and output of a
program. A program with a GUI runs under a windowing system and has a screen interface capable of displaying
graphics in the form of icons, drop-down menus and a movable pointer. The on-screen i nformation is usually
controlled / manipulated by a mouse or keyboard.
HDTV High Definition Television.
HPA High Power Amplifier: Used in the signal path to amplify the modulated and up-converted broadcas t signal for
feeding to the uplink antenna.
HSYNC Horizontal (line) SYNCs.
Hub A device in a multipoint network at which branch nodes interconnect.
ICAM Integrated Conditional Access Module: Embedded in the IRD and responsible for descrambling, plus packet
filtering and reception. It also contains the physical interface to the subscriber’s vi ewing card.
IEC International Electrotechnical Committee.