Options and Upgrades
Page 3-28 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
3.12.3 M2/ESO2/VBR
This purchasable option upgrades the Encoder to include variable bit-rate.
Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.4 M2/ESO2/422
This purchasable option upgrades the Encoder to include 4:2:2 video
encoding mode. Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.5 M2/ESO2/RAS
This purchasable option upgrades the Encoder to include RAS mode.
Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.6 M2/ESO2/ACON
This purchasable option upgrades the Encoder to include auto
concatenation. Contact Customer Services for de tails.
3.12.7 M2/ESO2/AC3
This purchasable op tion allows the Encod er to provide Dolby D igital (AC-3)
audio. Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.8 M2/ESO2/SM38PSK
This purchasable option allows the E5740 to provide 8PSK modulation.
Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.9 M2/ESO2/SM316QAM
This purchasable option allows the E5740 to provide 16QAM modulation.
Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.10 M2/ESO2/8PSKDEMOD
This purchasable option allows an E5740 fitted with M2/EOM2/DEC SD
decoder and M2/EOM2/SATDEMOD demodulator to receive 8PSK
modulated signals. Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.11 M2/ESO2/16QAMDEMOD
This purchasable option allows an E5740 fitted with M2/EOM2/DEC SD
decoder and M2/EOM2/SATDEMOD demodulator to receive 16QAM
modulated signals. Contact Customer Services for details.
3.12.12 M2/ESO2/LSYM
This purchasable option allows an E5740 and an M2/EOM2/QPSKDEMOD, if
fitted, to work at low symbol rates (300 ksym/s minimum). Contact
Customer Services for details.