Index-6 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
sabus data bits option, 4-26
sat deliv freq option, 4-82, 4-85
sat orb pos option, 4-82, 4-85
sat west east option, 4-82
sat west/east option, 4-85
scramble option, 4-94
remote authorisation system (RAS), 4-89
screen saver option, 4-27
sd decoder option, 3-23
SDI (serial digital) video input connector
error detection and handling (EDH), 1-8, 2-13
seamless modes, 4-38
serial protocol option, 4-25
service id (out) option, 4-99
service id option, 4-22
service info menu, 4-21
service name option, 4-21
change due to remultiplexing, 3-12
service prov (in) option, 4-99
service provider option, 4-21, 4-99
service type
ATSC, 4-20, 4-23
servicing, 6-3
checks upon completion, 6-4
session word option, 4-101
setting bit-rates and avoiding overflow, 3-16
settings affecting other equipment
rate buffer, 6-10
setup menu, 4-17
setup password option, 4-29
setup/audio menu, 4-53
setup/data menu, 4-67
setup/IRD menu, 4-105
setup/mux menu (ATSC), 4-92
setup/mux menu (DVB), 4-91
setup/output menu, 4-71
setup/video menu, 4-32
shock and vibration, B-18
short channel name
ATSC, 4-19
short name in option, 4-99
short name out option, 4-99
SI level option, 4-19, 4-21
signal connections, 2-10
diagram, 2-12
SMPTE 302M standard option, 4-59
SMPTE 310, 3-21
SNG key (RAS1) option, 4-94, 4-95
SNMP control option, 4-30
SNMP master option, 4-25
SNMP oid index option, 4-68, 4-69
SNMP trap IP option, 4-25
softkey, 4-9, 4-13
functions associated with, 4-15
software options, 3-29
M2/ESO2/16QAMDEMOD, 16qam demodulator, 3-30
M2/ESO2/422, 4:2:2 video encoding, 3-30
M2/ESO2/8PSKDEMOD, 8psk demodulator, 3-30
M2/ESO2/AC3, dolby digital (AC3), 3-30
M2/ESO2/ACON, auto concatenation, 3-30
M2/ESO2/LSYM, low symbol rate, 3-30
M2/ESO2/M316QAM, 16qam modulation, 3-30
M2/ESO2/NR, noise reduction, 3-29
M2/ESO2/PU, performance upgrade, 3-29
M2/ESO2/RAS, remote authorisation system, 3-30
M2/ESO2/SM38PSK, internal modulator, 3-30
M2/ESO2/VBR, variable bit-rate, 3-30
software release option, 4-28, 4-64, 4-70
source (BNC) option, 4-98
source option, 4-54
alarm, B-13
ASI, B-12
embedded, B-8
standard, B-6
encoder settings for PAL/NTSC video performance
figures, B-4
environmental conditions, B-17
ethernet, B-13
H sync, B-3
internal dc power supply, B-16
NTSC video performance figures, B-5
PAL video performance figures, B-4
physical details, B-16
power supply, B-15
QPSK modulator card, B-9
serial digital video, B-3
television standards, B-6, B-7
test tones, B-8
spectral pol option, 4-87
spectrum invert option, 4-80, 4-84
SPTS. See single programme transport stream (SPTS)
SSI and ASI optical output module, 3-21
connectors, 3-22
stand-by switch, 1-17
status only option, 4-83, 4-85
status only options
remux module menu, 4-97
store active config option, 4-121
store configs in backup option, 4-121
subtitling, 1-14
summary screen
1U, 4-9
summary screen and advanced menu, 4-16
symbol rate option, 4-77, 4-80, 4-84, 4-106
syntax option, 4-19, 4-21
system b teletext, 4-51
system control option, 4-29
system menu, 4-17
Ttechnical specification, B-3
extraction, 1-14
services, 1-14
system b, 4-51
system B, 4-49
teletext (all lines) option, 4-46
teletext data out option, 4-46
teletext extraction, B-5
teletext option, 4-103
teletext PID option, 4-46
telnet, 2-22
temperature option, 4-27
bandwidth option, 4-73
FEC rate HP and LP option, 4-74
guard interval option, 4-75
hierarchy option, 4-74
test mode option, 4-69
test pattern, 1-8
test tone
audio, 1-12
text colour option, 4-34
time code option, 4-36
time to live option, 4-89
top-level menu, 4-16
registered, v
transmission option, 4-87