Installing the Equipment
Page 2-18 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
1. Signal names are with respect to a DTE in accordance with the RS-232 specification.
2. Remote pin numbers only apply to a 9-way D-type connector.
3. 25-way connectors have Received Data on pin 3 and Transmit Data on pin 2 (see RS –232
4. XON/OFF flow control may be used with this port.
RS-422 Connector

A 15-way, D-type female connector

provides an RS-422 synchronous, serial

communications data input interface.

Table 2.12: RS-422 Data Connector (Base Board) - Synchronous

Remote (DTE) Encoder RS-422 (DCE)
Signal Name Signal Direction Pin Signal Name
1 Not connected
Transmit Data A 2 Transmit Data A
3 Not connected
4 Not connected
5 Not connected
6 Not connected
Transmit Clock A 7 Transmit Clock A
Signal Ground 8 Signal Ground
Transmit Data B 9 Transmit Data B
10 Not connected
11 Not connected
12 Not connected
13 Not connected
Transmit Clock B 14 Transmit Clock B
15 Not connected
Signal names are with respect to a DTE in accordance with the RS-422 specification. A is positive and
B is negative.