Error Messages
Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Enco d er Pag e H-5
H.4 Video Source Related Errors

Table H.2: Video Source Error Messages

Error Message Action to Take
Comms Error Power Encoder off, then check that the Base Board is firmly seated in the
chassis. Do this by firmly pressing it from the rear of the Encoder into the
chassis. Power on the Encoder. If the fault persists call Service Engineer.
Video Lock (Composite)
Video Lock (SDI)
Video Line Standard
Check video input is present and that the Encoder is configured for the correct
frame rate.
EDH Full Field Error A full field CRC error was detected in
the SDI data.
EDH Full Field Unknown Error The status of the full field flags is not
known as the SDI stream is received
from a transmitter that does not support
EDH Full Field Error Already A full field CRC error was detected in
the SDI link ‘upstream of the Encoder.
EDH Picture Error A active picture CRC error was
detected in the SDI data.
EDH Picture Error Unknown Err The status of the active picture flags is
not known as the SDI stream is
received from a transmitter that does
not support EDH
EDH Picture Error Already An active picture CRC error was
detected in the SDI link ‘upstream of
the Encoder.
EDH Anc. Data Error A ancillary data CRC error was
detected in the SDI data.
EDH Anc. Data Unknown Error The status of the ancillary data flags is
not known as the SDI stream is
received from a transmitter that does
not support EDH
EDH Anc. Data Error Already An ancillary data CRC error was
detected in the SDI link ‘upstream of
the Encoder.
Check the source of the SDI data,
and any equipment in the signal path
between the source and the Encoder,
and all related cables and connectors.
If the source, (or any intervening
devices) do not support EDH, then
these messages do not indicate a
fault with the Encoder. Try to verify
the link with another Receiver. If the
link is verified as OK then call Service
Composite Input Calibrati Power Encoder off, then check that the Base Board is firmly seated in the
chassis. Do this by firmly pressing it from the rear of the Encoder into the
chassis. Power on the Encoder. If the fault persists call Service Engineer.