Options and Upgrades
Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Enco d er Page 3-27


A 75 W female BNC connector provides an ASI output.
This connector is not used.
Table 3.22: ASI Out Connector
Item Specification
Connector Type 75 W BNC Female
Connector designation ASI OUT
Pin-outs Centre Signal
Screen Ground

Ethernet Output

An RJ-45 connector provides a 10/100 BaseT
Ethernet port.
Table 3.23: RJ-45 Connector
Item Specification
Connector Type RJ-45
Connector designation 10/100 BT
Pin-out 1 Tx Out (+)
2 Tx Out (-)
3 Rx In (+)
4 Not Connected
5 Not Connected
6 Rx In (-)
7 Not Connected
8 Not Connected
3.12 Software Options

3.12.1 M2/ESO2/NR

This purchasable option upgrades the Encoder to include noise reduction
mode. Contact Customer Services for details .

3.12.2 M2/ESO2/PU

This purchasable option upgrades the performance of the Encoder. Contact
Customer Services for details.