Operating the Equipment Locally
Page 4-26 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder
Table 4.13: SABus Baud Rate Options
Selected Option Description Selected Option Description
1200 1200 Baud rate. 9600 9600 Baud rate.
2400 2400 Baud rate. 19200 19200 Baud rate.
4800 4800 Baud rate. 38400 38400 Baud rate.

SABus Data Bits Option

To access the SABus Data Bits option, press the SABus Data Bits softkey
in the Remote Control Menu.
Table 4.14: SABus Data Bits Options
Selected Option Description
8 (1 stop bit)
7 (2 stop bits)
4.7.5 General Menu
The General Menu is selected from the System Menu by pressing the
General softkey. This menu provides options for amending the general
parameters of the Encoder. See Figure 4.9 for the General Menu structure.

Model Number Option

The Model Number option is shown in the General Menu. It cannot be

Config Name Option

To access the Config Name option, press the Config Name softkey in the
General Menu. These are the names of stored Encoder set-ups. They can
be recalled from the Configs Menu (see Section 4.17, Configs Menu).

Local Time Option

To access the Local Time option, press the Local Time softkey in the
General Menu.

Local Date Option

To access the Local Date option, press the Local Date softkey in the
General Menu.
Only the + and softkeys can be used to change the month.