Technical Specification
Page B-10 Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder

Table B.13: IF Monitor Output Specification (1U, E5714)

Item Specification
Safety status: SELV
Connector designation: IF OUT MONITOR
Connector type: BNC, female 75 W
This connector is normally dedicated to output
the IF monitoring feed to the Receiver.
Output impedance: 75 W
Return loss: >20 dB, 49.75 < f < 90.25 MHz
Output power: –20 dB ±2 dB referenced to main IF output (IF OUT MAIN)
B.3.2 IF Outputs (E5740-IF)

Table B.14: IF OUT MAIN Specification (E5740-IF)

Item Specification
Safety status: SELV
Connector type: BNC female 75 W
Connector designation: IF OUT MAIN
Output impedance: 75 W
Output power: -20 dBm to +5 dBm in 0.1 dB steps
Power level stability: ± 0.5 dB
Return loss: >20 dB, 50-180 MHz
Modulation format: QPSK as per EN 300 421 (DVB-S)
8PSK and 16QAM as per EN 301 210 (DVB-DSNG) (customer options)
FEC rate: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 with QPSK
2/3, 5/6 and 8/9 with 8PSK
3/4, and 7/8 with 16QAM
Symbol rate: 1 to 48 Msymbol/s
Spectrum roll-off factor: 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% selectable
Spectrum sense: Normal / inverted
Transmission modes: Modulation on/off
Carrier on/off
Carrier frequency: 50-180 MHz, tuneable in 1 kHz steps
Carrier frequency error: < ±1 kHz (all causes over 10 years)
Carrier ON/OFF ratio: >60 dB
Carrier suppression: >40 dB
Phase noise: < -66 dBc/Hz at 100 Hz offset
< -76 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset
< -86 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset
< -96 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset
< -120 dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset and above
Spurious outputs (modulated
< -60 dBc/4 kHz over the frequency range 0 to 500 MHz but excluding the frequency
range of the wanted output signal (equal to ±1.06 ´ Symbol Rate about the carrier
frequency, as defined by the spectrum mask Figure A.1 in EN 300 421)
Spurious outputs (unmodulated
< -55 dBc, each component
Noise floor (N0/C): < -120 dBc/Hz
Main / monitor output isolation
(both directions):
>30 dB, 50-180 MHz