3 Operation/Control Unit | Model 5000B | |
scalesettinguntilamplifiersaturationisreached.Belowamplifiersaturation,the overrangereadingsareaccurateUNLESStheapplicationuseslinearizationover the selected range.
To program the ranges, you must first perform the four steps indicated at the beginning of section 3.8 Programming. You will then be in the second System menu screen.
Use the < > arrow keys again to move the blinking to APPLICATION and press Enter.
Sel rng to set appl:
Use the DÑ arrow keys to increment/decrement the range number to 01, 02, 03, or CAL, and press Enter.
Fluid Name **********
FR:Ø TO:1Ø %
Use the < > arrow keys to move to Fluid Name, FR:
Use the DÑ arrow keys to increment the respective parameters as desired. Press Enter to accept the values and return to Analyze mode. (See note below.) Repeat for each range you want to set.
Note: The ranges must be increasing from low to high, for example, if Range 1 is set to
Ranges, alarms, and spans are always set in either percent or ppm units, as selected by the operator, even though all
Note: When performing analysis on a fixed range, if the concentration rises above the upper limit as established by the operator for that particular range, the output saturates at 1 V dc (or 20 mA). How- ever, the digital readout and the
To end the session, send:
st<enter> st<enter>