Recovery Discs
Problem | Procedure |
The following mes- | You will see this message if you have previously |
sage appears when | chosen to remove the partition and are trying to |
executing Recovery | create "Recovery Media". When there is no |
Disc Creator. | recovery partition, the Recovery Disc Creator |
"The Recovery Disc | cannot make Recovery Media. |
Creator can not be | However, if you have already created a "Recov- |
launched because | ery Media", you can use it to restore the recov- |
there is no recovery | ery partition. |
partition." | Simply follow the instructions in "Restoring the |
| preinstall software from your creating Recovery |
| Media" section in this manual. You will be |
| directed to select "Restore Original Factory |
| Image" from the |
| not created "Recovery Media", please contact |
| TOSHIBA support for assistance. |
User’s Manual |