restart: Resetting a computer without turning it off (also called ‘warm boot’ or ‘soft reset’). To restart the computer, press CTRL + ALT + DEL while the computer is on. See also boot.
RCA jack: A
RGB: Red, green, and blue. A device that uses three input signals, each acti- vating an electron gun for a primary additive color (red, green, and blue) or port for using such a device. See also CRT.
RJ11: A modular telephone jack.
ROM: Read Only Memory: A nonvol- atile memory chip manufactured to contain information that controls the computer’s basic operation. You can- not access or change information stored in ROM.
SCSI: Small Computer System Inter- face is an industry standard interface for connection of a variety of periph- eral devices.
serial: The handling of data bits one after the other.
serial communications: A communi- cations technique that uses as few as two interconnecting wires to send bits one after another.
serial interface: Refers to a type of information exchange that transmits information sequentially, one bit at a time. Contrast: Parallel interface.
serial port: A communications port to which you can connect devices, such as a modem, mouse, or serial printer.
SIO: Serial Input/Output. The elec- tronic methodology used in serial data transmission.
soft key: Key combinations that emu- late keys on the IBM keyboard, change some configuration options, stop pro- gram execution, and access the numeric keypad overlay.
software: The set of programs, proce- dures and related documentation asso- ciated with a computer system.
Specifically refers to computer pro- grams that direct and control the com- puter system’s activities. See also hardware.
stop bit: One or more bits of a byte that follow the transmitted character or group codes in asynchronous serial communications.
subpixel: Three elements, one red, one green and blue (RGB), that make up a pixel on the color LCD. The computer sets subpixels independently, each may emit a different degree of brightness.
See also pixel.
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