Printer Driver Installation
Click Next.
Verify the path and click OK to install the Adobe PostScript printer driver.
Click OK.
11 Accept the default name or rename the printer. Optionally, select the Xerox Document Centre ColorSeries 50 as your default printer.
Browse to the printer network path or queue name and click OK. Click Next.
Click Have Disk. Type or Browse to the drive or network path of the setup file for the Windows 95/98 Adobe PostScript printer driver.
The Ad95cs50.inf file for the Windows 95/98 Adobe PostScript printer driver is located on the Xerox Document Centre ColorSeries 50 Network Software CD-ROM in the \Win\Drivers\Ps\Adbw95\xxx directory, where xxx represents the desired language for your environment.
Microsoft Windows 95/98 Printer Driver
Installing the PostScript Printer Driver
Use the Add Printer Wizard to install the Adobe PostScript driver on your Windows 95/98 workstation.
To install the Adobe PostScript printer driver on your workstation:
1 Ensure that the Adobe PostScript driver you want to install is available in an uncompressed format either locally or on a mapped network drive.
2 Select Start > Settings > Printers.
4 On the Add Printer Wizard opening screen, click Next.
5 Select Network Printer. Click Next.