Troubleshooting 121

LCD Error Messages

Table 12 • LCD Error Messages (Continued)


LCD Display/

Possible Cause

Recommended Solution


Printer Condition


















Caution • An improperly connected printhead data or power cable








can cause this error message. The printhead may be hot enough to










cause severe burns. Allow the printhead to cool.














The printer stops and the

The printhead is under

Continue printing while the printhead


ERROR light flashes.


reaches the correct operating







temperature. If the error remains, the







environment may be too cold for







proper printing. Relocate the printer to







a warmer area.











The printhead data cable is not

Caution • Turn the printer




properly connected.




off (O) before performing this













procedure. Failure to do so







can damage the printhead.







1. Turn off (O) the printer.







2. Disconnect and reconnect the data







cable to the printhead.







3. Ensure that the cable connector is







fully inserted into the printhead














4. Turn on (I) the printer.











There is not enough memory to

Free up some of the printer’s memory






perform the function specified on

by adjusting the label format or printer




the second line of the error

parameters. One way to free up





memory is to adjust the print width to







the actual width of the label instead of







leaving the print width set to the







default. See Set Print Width







on page 82.














Ensure that the device, such as FLASH







memory or PCMCIA card, is installed







and not write protected or full.














Ensure that the data is not directed to a







device that is not installed or available.














Refer to the Maintenance Manual for







more information about the specified
















105SL User Guide

11342L-001 Rev. A