Prestige 650R-31/33 ADSL Router

Nailed-Up Connection (PPPoA/PPPoE)

A nailed-up connection is a dial-up line where the connection is always up regardless of traffic demand. The Prestige does two things when you specify a nailed-up connection.

The first is that idle timeout is disabled.

The second is that the Prestige will try to bring up the connection when turned on and whenever the connection is down.

A nailed-up connection can be very expensive for obvious reasons. Do not specify a nailed-up connection unless your telephone company offers flat-rate service or you need a constant connection and the cost is of no concern.

Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile

Rem Node Name= ChangeMe

Route= IP

Active= Yes

Bridge= No

Encapsulation= ENET ENCAP

Edit IP/Bridge= No

Multiplexing= LLC-based

Edit ATM Options= No

Service Name= N/A

Telco Option:


Rem Login= N/A

Allocated Budget(min)= N/A

Rem Password= N/A

Period(hr)= N/A


Schedule Sets= N/A

My Login= N/A

Nailed-Up Connection= N/A

My Password= N/A

Session Options:

Authen= N/A

Edit Filter Sets= No


Idle Timeout(sec)= N/A

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:

Figure 4-2 Menu 11.1 – Remote Node Profile

In Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

Table 4-1 Remote Node Profile Menu Fields







Rem Node Name

Type a unique, descriptive name of up to eight characters for this









Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes to activate



or No to deactivate this node. Inactive nodes are displayed with a



minus sign “–“ in SMT menu 11.


Remote Node Configuration
