Chapter 32 Introducing the Commands
Table 83 Command Summary: Configure Mode (continued)
service- | ftp <socket- |
| Allows FTP access on the | 13 |
control | number> |
| specified service port. |
| http <socket- |
| Allows HTTP access on the | 13 |
| number> <timeout> |
| specified service port and |
| defines the timeout period. |
| https <socket- |
| Allows HTTPS access on the | 13 |
| number> |
| specified service port. |
| icmp |
| Allows ICMP access to the | 13 |
| switch such as pinging and |
| tracerouting. |
| snmp |
| Allows SNMP management. | 13 |
| ssh <socket- |
| Allows SSH access on the | 13 |
| number> |
| specified service port. |
| telnet <socket- |
| Allows Telnet access on the | 13 |
| number> |
| specified service port. |
[contact <system |
| Sets the geographic location | 13 | |
| contact>] |
| and the name of the person |
| [location <system |
| in charge of this switch. |
| location>] |
| Sets the get community. | 13 | |
| <property> |
| Sets the set community. | 13 | |
| <property> |
| Sets the trap community. | 13 | |
| <property> |
| Sets the IP addresses of up | 13 | |
| <ip> |
| to four stations to send your |
| SNMP traps to. |
| Enables STP on the switch. | 13 | |
| Enables STP on a specified | 13 | |
| port. |
| Sets the STP path cost for a | 13 | |
| cost |
| specified port. |
| Sets the priority for a | 13 | |
| priority |
| specified port. |
| Sets Hello Time, Maximum | 13 | |
| Age and Forward Delay. |
| |
| |
| 30> |
| priority |
| Sets the bridge priority of the | 13 |
| switch. |
ssh |
| Adds a remote host to which | 13 | |
| ip> <1024ssh- |
| the switch can access using |
| SSH service. |
| |
| Enables broadcast storm | 13 | |
| control on the switch. |
syslog | <cr> |
| Enables syslog. | 13 |
230 |
| |
| ||