Definition of Terms:
MONITOR: The term "monitor" refers only to the monitor, television, or other display that is to be integrated.
BEZEL: The term “bezel” refers to a specific part of the molded plastic cabinet of the monitor. The bezel is the part that covers the front of the CRT and separates it from the rear case.
CASE: The term "case" refers to a specific part of the molded plastic cabinet of the monitor. The case is the part that separates from the front bezel. The case normally covers the top, sides, back and bottom of the monitor assembly.
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display. Also referred to as the Panel.
CONTROLLER: The electronic device that converts touch data into USB information. For purposes of this document the controller referred to is the 2500U, which is the Elo internal IntelliTouch USB controller 2500U. Part number
Suggested Tools
Along with a copy of the monitor manufacturer’s manual, the following list of tools may be needed to install the touchscreen. Some of the tools are optional, but useful.
•Long (at least 9 inches, 230 mm) flat blade screwdriver with insulated handle
•Clip lead or
•#2 Phillips screwdriver
•DB9 hole punch (not needed for 2500U)
•Cable ties
•Household glass cleaner
•Paper towels
•Small containers or plastic bags to hold loose parts
The Elo Touchscreen Installation Kit is also recommended, and includes commonly used materials needed for touchscreen installation. This kit is useful for identifying preferred materials for your own procurement and may also be