Elo TouchSystems IntelliTouch SecureTouch manual 11 2500U USB controller

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Internal USB Controller (2500U)

The mounting holes for the 2500U USB controller are sized for 0.156-inch (4 mm) snap-in standoffs. See Appendix B for specific mounting dimensions and connections.

Figure 2.11 2500U USB controller

CAUTION Before making any attempt to power the controller from any monitor power source, you should confirm the installation with your monitor supplier. Failure to observe this caution may destroy the monitor or seriously impair monitor performance.

Follow these steps to install the IntelliTouch 2500U USB controller:

1Evaluate the monitor for proper positioning of the controller. Make sure there is sufficient space for cable headers.

2Choose a location that allows the cables to be installed with adequate slack and provides tor easy access during installation.

3If possible, mount the controller directly to the metal chassis using No. 6 sheet metal screws and spacers provided in the controller mounting kit. If you do not use the metal chassis, or if you intend to use adhesive base snap-in standoffs, you must ground the controller through the use of pin 8 on connector P4 of the controller.

4Attach the touchscreen cable to connector P3 of the controller and secure with a small amount of glue.

5Take up excess cable with zip ties.

Note: It is recommentd that at least one of the controller’s mounting holes be attached via a screw nut combination to insure hold.


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Contents Page Elo IntelliTouch /SecureTouch Touchscreen Guide Disclaimer Page Intellitouch 10-YEAR Warranty Page Table of Contents Index List of Figures Viii List of Tables Page Introduction Intellitouch TechnologyIntelliTouch Touchscreen IntelliTouch TouchscreenIntelliTouch controller IntelliTouch ControllerAgency Approvals Driver SoftwareWork Area Safety InformationDesign Considerations for CRTs and LCDs Getting StartedProtective Clothing Bezel design Bezel DesignCRT Integration Safety InformationSuggested Tools Definition of TermsTypical IntelliTouch Touchscreen Installation Summary of Installation StepsUnpacking the Touchscreen Testing the MonitorIncoming Inspection Disassembling the MonitorDischarge the CRT Remove the Back CaseRemove the Electronic Chassis 14I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e Remove the CRT Verify Touchscreen Fit Page Attaching the Touchscreen Proper placement of adhesive tape to the touchscreen Spacing the CRT from the Bezel Installing the Controller Touchscreen Cabling System for Internal Serial Controller Internal Serial Controller 2500SP4 Pins Signal Function 24I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e External Serial Controller 26I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e Internal USB Controller 2500U Internal USB Controller 2500U28I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e Reassembling the Monitor Routing the Touchscreen CablesProper Sealing Improper Sealing Sealing the MonitorSystem Evaluation Sealing Material SelectionProper Bezel Mounting Improper Bezel Mounting LCD Integration Unpacking the Touchscreen Definition of Terms Disassembling the LCD MonitorRequired Parts for Serial Connection Tools and EquipmentRequired Parts for USB Connection Optional Parts for USB Connection Optional Parts for Serial ConnectionRemoving the LCD Removing the Rear CaseDetermining Touchscreen Fit Mounting the Touchscreen Attaching double-sided adhesive tape to the touchscreen Spacing the LCD from the Bezel Sealing10 2500S Internal Serial Controller 11 2500U USB controller Parasitic Tap of 5Vdc Power12 DC to DC converter Parasitic Tap of 7-30Vdc DC to DC converterModifying the Case for USB Output Modifying the Case for Serial Output13 Horizontal escutcheon plate Re-assembling the Display48I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e Troubleshooting Process Troubleshooting GuideSoftware Troubleshooting Display ProblemsVideo Alignment Problems Hardware TroubleshootingSerial Controller Using the Comdump UtilityByte Byte DescriptionHost Signal Source P2 Pins DB25RS-232 Connections Power Connections Touchscreen and Touchscreen Cables Figure A.2 Transducer and Wedge AssemblyEC2 Cable IC1 Cable2x6 Male Header DB9 Male Function IntelliTouch Serial Controllers Diagnostic LEDsIntelliTouch Serial Controller 2500S Diagnostic CodesAA Bit Value hex Description Figure A.4 DB9 and DB25 Connector Pin Positions DB9 and DB25 Connector Pin PositionsSpecifications Environmental IntelliTouch TouchscreensMechanical OpticalUL Compliance Fire Retardation FCC Compliance Agency ApprovalsIntelliTouch 2500U USB Controller Physical CharacteristicsElectrical Touchscreen Connector Power Connector, P4 P2 pin number Signal name Standard wire color Signal name P4 pin Signal function Signal name P3 pin Signal functionLED State Function LED Diagnostic CharacteristicsAgency Approvals LED Blink Rate FunctionFigure B.4 2500U USB Controller, top view 2500U USB Controller DrawingsFigure B.6 2500U USB Controller, bottom-view Environments IntelliTouch 2500S Serial Controller72I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e Parameter Value Applicable Signals EIA-232 subsec Signal Name DB-9 P2 pin Sourced by Signal FunctionBoard mounted Cable applied Header Plug Jumper Function Jumper Settings76I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e Figure B.11 2500S Serial Controller, top view DrawingsFigure B.13 2500S Serial Controller Part Number Description ELO Part NumbersCables Stylus 82I n t e l l i T o u c h / S e c u r e T o u c h G u i d e Glossary Page Glossary-85 Page Glossary-87 Vertical Refresh Rate-See Refresh Rate Index Page Page