Display Problems
If you are experiencing display problems (such as no video, no horizontal or vertical synchronization, raster
The IntelliTouch touchscreen is powered from its controller. Usually the display and touchscreen controller have separate power supplies and operate independently. Thus it is possible for the touchscreen to interact with the computer even if the display is powered off. Internal serial controllers may be powered by a supply that is separate from the display's power supply, but controlled through the displays power switch. In this case, even if display problems exist, the touchscreen system will probably function if the display power switch is on.
Software Troubleshooting
Before beginning software troubleshooting, verify that the touchscreen hardware is working by running the COMDUMP program for serial controllers (see page 52, Using the COMDUMP Utility). If the touchscreen is operating, then the problem may be with the driver software, the application software, or a conflict with other hardware or software. (The problem may also be due to incorrect touchscreen video alignment, described on page 51, Video Alignment Problems.)
The general technique for troubleshooting software problems is to identify at what layer of software and associated hardware the problem exists. For example, if you have a Windows application, there are several layers of software and drivers. The problem could be with your application, Windows, MonitorMouse for Windows, MonitorMouse for DOS, the ELODEV driver, a conflict with another device, or the touchscreen hardware. The best approach to software troubleshooting is to remove the layers of software one by one, testing each layer until the problem is isolated. Also try removing other hardware and software that may be conflicting with the touchscreen hardware and driver software.