•Intermittent touch data. If the system is reporting touch data at a slow or varying rate, the problem may be caused by a low signal strength or excessive noise in the system. Generation of touch data when the touchscreen is not touched is most likely caused by excessive system noise. See the sections and, page and, respectively. Use of SAWDUMP (a DOS utility included with most Elo driver software and available on Elo’s website, www.elotuch.com, may help to identify these problems. Contact Elo Application Engineering,
•Linearity. As the IntelliTouch system is inherently stable and
The remainder of this appendix deals with
Serial Controller
The 2310B operates at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. See page 75 for controller jumper settings.
The 2500S operates at 9600 baud.
Using the COMDUMP Utility
COMDUMP is a DOS utility included with most Elo driver software and available at www.elotouch.com. Use COMDUMP to verify basic controller functionality and to determine whether or not data is reaching the serial port. COMDUMP can be run without a touchscreen driver loaded. Type”COMDUMP <n>” where <n> is the number of the COM port. Detailed instructions can be found on Elo’s Web Tech site, www.elotouch.com/support.
If you are not running under DOS, boot your PC from a DOS diskette before running COMDUMP. If you cannot run DOS (use an ASCII terminal or a communications program in local mode to get a similar type of analysis provided by COMDUMP). Another option is to temporarily connect the touchscreen to a PC with DOS and run COMDUMP.
If the hardware is functioning properly, untranslated (raw) coordinates will be returned at a constant rate only when the touchscreen is touched. If no data is transmitted on touch, or if data is transmitted when the touchscreen is not touched (either continuously or intermittently), you have a hardware problem.
If the LED is accessible, and indicates that data is being transmitted, confirm the communication parameters, then try another serial port, possibly on another computer. Also see