Table B.7 Power connector, P4, pins and signal names
Signal name | P4 pin | Signal function |
+Regulated Pwr | 1 | +5 volts DC +/- 5% |
Pwr Com | 2 | Supply voltage common |
reserved | 3 | no connection allowed |
Pwr Com | 4 | Supply voltage common |
LED Remote1 | 5 |
n/c | 6 | key location |
n/c | 7 |
Frame ground | 8 |
9 | Open = normal operation | |
| short to Pwr com = hardware reset. |
reserved | 10 | no connection allowed |
1. Source impedance is 500 ohms to Vcc. Current drive available for typical LED is 6mA.
Jumper Settings
Table B.8 Jumper Locations and function if installed
Jumper | Function |
J1 | Set NVRAM to defaults on power |
| up |
J2 | Emulation Mode = |
The 2500S is shipped with a single jumper fitted to not enable either J1 or J2. Consult the drawings later in this document for the position of the jumpers.
LED Diagnostic Characteristics
A green LED indicates controller status as follows:
LED Blink Rate | Function |
Once per second | Normal condition, untouched state |
On continuously | Touched state |
Twice per second | Error detected |