Theory of Operation
2.1General Component Descriptions
The UPS system includes all of the equipment necessary to continuously provide
2.1.1System Control Cabinet
The System Control Cabinet (SCC) includes system controls, static bypass switch, load transfer con- trol, protective devices and other accessories. The system controls simultaneously monitor two or more parallel UPS modules sharing a critical load for increased capacity and/or redundancy. The two
System Controls: The system control logic automatically manages critical bus operation and moni- tors performance of the UPS modules. Microprocessor technology and dedicated firmware provide advanced logic control and a comprehensive display of information. The system control logic synchro- nizes the output of the UPS system to the bypass source. The SCC includes ports for communicating with external devices. Liebert
Static Bypass Switch: The static
Fuses are installed in series with the static bypass circuit (with the exception of the continuous duty static switch installed in the SCCC control cabinet) to ensure reliable overload protection in the unlikely event of a catastrophic output condition (e.g., a dropped wrench) electrically close to the out- put of your UPS system. The static switch SCRs themselves are rated to easily handle the
Bypass Circuit: The bypass circuit consists of electrically operated circuit breakers and associated synchronizing and control circuitry to transfer the load to/from the bypass source.