Master/Single Drive, IDE
The primary or controlling device connected to an IDE interface. The second device connected to an IDE interface is called the Slave drive. Whether a device is the Master or the Slave is determined by jumper settings on the device, itself.
Not to be confused with Logicube Omniclone Xi™ Master Drive.
NTFS (New Technology File System)
The standard file system of the Windows NT operating system. It offers a number of performance, extendibility, and security improve- ments over the File Allocation Table (FAT). Partitions created using NTFS are not accessible from other operating systems such as DOS.
Parallel Port
An interface for connecting to a computer or an external device such as a printer. Often called a Centronics interface after the company that engineered the original specification.
A newer standard is the Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP), which supports
A way of dividing physical hard drive space into logically separate segments, which an operating system treats as individual hard drives. Partitioning is particularly useful when multiple operating systems are loaded on one drive. For example, creating one partition for Windows NT, another for UNIX and so on.
PIO (Programmed Input/Output)
A method of transferring data between two devices in which all data passes through the CPU. A newer alternative to PIO is Direct Memory Access (DMA). See also UDMA.
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual | 61 |