12. Reference
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)
CHS (Cylinder, Head, Sector)
The normal or default translation mode used by a PC for hard drives that are 504 MB or smaller in capacity. CHS is the only translation mode available in older BIOS (generally any made prior to 1994). It will only show a maximum drive size of 504 MB no matter how large it’s true capacity.
Cloning, Hard Drive
The process of copying the contents of one hard drive to another with the intent of making an exact duplicate.
The smallest logical measurement of file storage space on a hard drive. Every file stored on a drive takes up one or more clusters of storage. The clusters associated with a file are kept track of in the drive’s File Allocation Table (FAT). The maximum number of available clusters on a drive depends on the available size of the FAT table.
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checking)
Logicube Omniclone Xi ™ User’s Manual | 58 |