Avery ALS 330/430 manual Automatic product speed followerAPSF, Type of applicator Appl

Page 54

Operators Manual

ALS 330/430

With this function, you can decide how to react:


Do nothing. The unlabeled product will be detected later in the line.




Set the warning output and displays W__0. The production continued.




Set the error output to stop the production line immediately and display E_10.




The first unlabeled product generates the warning. Two unlabeled products in a


sequence set the error.




The error condition will be set at 3 unlabeled products.



Automatic product speed follower_________________________APSF

Under parameter APSF the automatic product speed follower function can be activated (ON / OFF). The APSF sensor is fitted to the conveyor and supplies signals that represent the speed of the conveyor. The installation of the sensor and the adjustment of the parameter have been carried out according to your application and should not be changed.

The compensation steps for the current conveyor speed are constantly recalculated rather than just when the product-sensor is triggered. This means that a change in conveyor speed between the time that the product is detected and the time it reached the dispense position has no effect on labelling placement accuracy.

There is no optimum EGRA setting. The compensation steps are calculated using the current EGRA setting rather than using fixed compensation step values for a predetermined EGRA setting and so any EGRA value works just as well.

At slow speeds the label dispense speed matches the conveyor speed exactly regardless of the EGRA setting. For instance if the dispenser needs to make 1.236 steps per encoder pulse then at the first four encoder pulses the dispenser will make one step but will then have fallen 4x0.236=0.944 steps behind. On the fifth encoder pulse the dispenser will make two steps and so be (5x0.236)-1=0.18 steps behind. The dispenser will always be less than one step behind. The dispenser thus always dispenses the correct amount of label in regard to the product movement even when the conveyor is starting from rest or coming to rest.

Type of applicator ________________________________________________APPL

In most cases, the label is dispensed directly onto the product. If this is not possible, an applicator has to be used. We offer a number of different applicators. In this function, the installed applicator has to be defined. You may select the applicator type you have ordered for your application (display shows 'ASA`,`EP`, RVEP or another applicator). In case of direct dispensing the function direct dispense has to be chosen:

Display shows 'DIR'.

The adjustment is done in the factory and should not be changed.

RVEP (ReVerse EP) operates as an EP applicator except that once the label has been dispensed onto the applicator the applicator cylinder is extended to wait for the next product to arrive. This provides more accurate labelling than with EP applicators because variation in the time it takes for the cylinder to extend does not affect the labelling position.

Release 4/06

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Configuration menu

Image 54
Contents Page Page ALS 330/430 Menu structure Errors and warnings ALS 330/430 Manufacturer Important NotesOverview CopyrightSafety General Safety NotesOperator’s duty of care Concrete security regulations and symbols used Security measures during maintenance and repairs Security measures during normal operationWork on the electrical equipment Work on pneumatic equipmentObserve environmental regulations Description MechanicsMachine layout Operator panel Operator panelPlug board Plug boardElectronics ALS 330/430 Installation Preparing the machinePrepare dispensing Define label data Setting Lpit manually Manual adjustment of the Cont parameterCapacitive label sensor Capacitive sensorAdjust dispense function Label guideStop position Label position on the product Fixed dispensing speedAutomatic dispensing speed Apsf Product data bankSafety recommendation OperationInserting label material Left hand version Right hand versionRemoving label material Mounting a new label rollMounting a new label roll on ALS 330 Euro Mounting a new label roll on ALSAdjusting the pressure roller RewindLead screw adjustment Adjustment of the dispensing edgePrinter adjustment Adjust pressure roller Initializing new label materialDispenser Menu selection Function Display message Mains switchControl of dispense unit Missing label function and web breaksDisplay and data input Dispenser active onDisplay Menu function Function data value Dispenser stopped OFF Material initialisation InitLabel position POS Start delaySTAD Stop position StodDispense speed Velo Maintenance Blow on time BlowProduct menu PD0n Release 4/06 Operation Page Standard menu Configuration menuMenu structure Extended standard menuApplicator ConfigurationStandard menu  Direct Extended menuStandard menu Initialisation InitDisplay Function Values Start delay Stad Labelling time BlowDispensing speed Velo Extended standard menu Display Function Data valueLabel pitch Lpit Label contrastSensor status Sens Product length Prdl Label positionPOSSlew speed Slew Electronic gear ratio adjustment EgraEgra value check Stst Dwell time APT1Restart delay APT3 Blow on time APT2Time constant compensation APT4 Save parameter in data bank Save End of air stream signal AstpPrinter dwell time PDT Load data bank LoadProduct menu Page Calling the configuration menu Configuration menuPossible adjustments Possible testsHandling the menu Display Function of the parameter Possible data entryMenu functions Automatic product speed followerAPSF Type of applicator ApplInput and sensor check ICH Output check OCHAdditional functions in the standard menu Parity bit Pari Adjustment resettingFACTInterface baud rate Baud Number of stop bits SbitDistance sensor to dispensing edge Dist Number of data bits DbitRecycle simulates max labels/min Recy Label counter LabcLeave Menu finishing Quit Data of the serial interface Dispenser connector Signal description Pol DSerial interface Direction Code Description 25 pol Pol SubInterface commands Command Description RangeExample Ledg Message in display Connections and signals Output signalsSignals for direct dispense Applicator modesControl signals for the ASA applicator Timing ASA applicatorSignals for the EP applicator APT2Applicator connector Applicator connectorInput signals Connecting NPN left or PNP right inputsExample for connecting an NPN sensor Datalogic Product sensorOD Control sensor NPN connection of optional ODC sensorApsf sensor Connection of a NPN type Apsf sensorControl signals Optional connector for process controInternal I/O connector EMI RuleElectronic diagrams Wiring diagram Layout dispenser electronic board Resolution ALS 330/430 Page STO! Power-fail message Errors and warningsDispenser error messages Message Meaning How to solveInto Dispenser warnings EepromALS 330/430 Technical specification Technical InformationDescription Details 330 430 Application specification APSF- Sensor Specification Optional functionPerformance charts ChartsPerformance chart Ramp Norm Deceleration Labels/min 900 25 mm 50 mm 75 mm 800 ALS 330/430 Page Adjustment Function Factory ApplicationFunction Factory PD01 PD02 PD03 PD04 Function PD05 PD06 PD07 PD08 PD09Index