Operators Manual
ALS 330/430
Number of data bits _______________________________________________ DBIT
The function is only visible if a baudrate is selected. With this function you can select between 7 or 8 data bit protocols.
Factory adjustment: 8BIT
Recycle (simulates max labels/min) ________________________________ RECY
It will cycle through applicator cycles automatically by internally generating a
Distance sensor to dispensing edge _________________________________ DIST
This function defines the distance between the material label sensor and the dispensing edge. This value is shown in steps of 0.1 mm (e.g. 0456 means 45.6 mm). The measured value can be adjusted by pressing the key FUNCTION.
If the DIST value has been adjusted correctly the first leading label edge detected at initialisation will be moved exactly to the dispensing edge, as long as STOD is set to 0.0 (mm). This parameter is important for the missing label compensation. If it is not correctly adjusted a missing label on the material roll, will not be compensated correctly and the product will not be labelled.
Value range: 10.0 .... 999.9 mm
Label counter ___________________________________________________ LABC
Each dispensed label increases the counter by 1. The capacity of the counter is for
999 999 999. The total number can be seen in 3 sections, press the keys FUNCTION as described down below:
Mnnn Knnn .nnn
ywhere M represents millions
yK represents thousands
y.represents units
On entering the "LABC" parameter the units are displayed. By using the arrow keys can then be used to change between the millions, thousands and units displays.
By pressing NEXT and PRIOR at the same time the counter is set to 0. By pressing the key ENTER the function will be left.
Release 4/06 | Page 49 | Configuration menu |