Connecting the server to power and starting it 45
6Install and connect the DS30X cable from the switch MGATE card to the CallPilot MPB96, starting from the switch side. The following are guidelines:
•The 3 connectors of each DS30X cable going to the MGate card are labeled with
•If more then one MPB96 card is installed, first connect the DS30X cable to the topmost MPB96 card, then to the middle card, and then to the bottom card.
•Tighten all connectors. Loose connectors can cause loss of service.
Tech tip: It is easier to run the DS30X cable in starting from the telephony switch side. Protect the end connector of the cable.
Performing preboot checks
Perform the following preboot checks on the CallPilot server to ensure a smooth system boot.
Step Action
1Check that a
2Check that all connectors and cables are properly tightened down and connected where applicable.
3Check that the dongle is plugged into the proper port and the feature key is in it.
Connecting the server to power and starting it
For 600r servers: when you apply AC power to the 600r server, the server starts automatically. This is part of the BIOS startup sequence. It is important to follow the steps in the order given.
Nortel CallPilot
Quickstart Guide
5.019 May 2008
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