CallPilot server testing
This task describes how to test the CallPilot server.
CallPilot server testing tasks
The following is a list of tasks you perform to test the CallPilot server. To link to detailed procedures for each task, click the text.
•"Checking CallPilot connectivity and channels" (page 55)
•"Verifying that you can log on to mailboxes" (page 56)
•"Verifying that you can leave a message" (page 57)
•"Verifying that you can retrieve a message" (page 57)
•"Verifying that each CallPilot channel is functioning correctly" (page 57)
•"Testing pcAnywhere using a remote PC" (page 58)
Checking CallPilot connectivity and channels
Perform the following procedure to check CallPilot connectivity and channels.
Step Action
1To check the ELAN connectivity, do the following:
a.From the CallPilot server console, select Start > Run.
b.Type cmd, and then click OK. The command prompt appears.
c.Type ping [IP address of your PBX], and then press Enter.
For example, ping
Tech tip: You should get ping replies back from the PBX. If you do not, do the following:
•Check the ELAN cable connections.
Nortel CallPilot
Quickstart Guide
5.019 May 2008
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