58CallPilot server testing
Step Action
1Log on to CallPilot Manager on the local console.
2In the CallPilot Manager toolbar, select Maintenance > Channel Monitor.
3From both test telephones, simultaneously dial the CallPilot voice messaging CDN.
Call from one test telephone and leave it off the hook while you dial from the other, so that both channels are occupied at the same time. If you have other channels that require testing, stop all other channels except the ones being tested.
4In CallPilot Manager, observe the channel status of both channels change from dark blue to light blue, indicating the channels are in an active state.
5Hang up both telephones and observe both channels. The channels change from light blue to dark blue, indicating they are in idle mode waiting for a call.
Testing pcAnywhere using a remote PC
Perform the following procedure to test pcAnywhere using a remote PC.
This procedure requires a PC with modem, a connected telephone line, and the pcAnywhere client installed. pcAnywhere is preinstalled with one license on the CallPilot server but requires a separate client license and software.
Nortel does not include a copy for client installation.
Step Action
1Configure your client pcAnywhere using the dialing information of the telephone line connected to the CallPilot server modem.
2Start pcAnywhere and connect to the CallPilot server through the remote PC.
3Log on to the CallPilot server.
4Check that you have full remote control of the system.
5Disconnect the pcAnywhere client.
Nortel CallPilot
Quickstart Guide
5.019 May 2008
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