Teledyne 4060 manual Measuring Circuit Electrical Checks, Maintenance Series, Anode Voltage Check

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Series 4060







attempt to evaluate performance on sample gas. If analyzer sensitivity is questionable, use the span gas. For all other evaluations, use the zero gas and low range for maximum sensitivity. The important consideration is to control as many variables as possible. Using cylinder-supplied gases of known hydrocarbon content eliminates the possibility of introducing an unknown variable.

Do not overlook the seemingly obvious. Check to see that power is available for the instrument (and of the proper voltage, etc.), and that connections are correct. Also verify that support/calibration gases are not depleted.

5.1 Measuring Circuit Electrical Checks

If the analyzer performs erratically on span gas, the trouble can be related to either the integral gas control systems, or the electronics. To isolate the problem, the two systems must be separated. To isolate the electronics, employ the following procedure:

Open the door to the analyzer, remove and disconnect the collector cable from the sensor leaving it attached to the electrometer board. (Consult schematic and assembly drawings for circuitry and location). With this cable disconnected, the electronic circuitry is completely isolated from the gas control system and cell.

5.1.1Anode Voltage Check

If the output can be adjusted by the zero control (the above section, step 2), the cell anode voltage should be verified as follows:


Refer to the cell wiring diagram. Using a voltmeter set to measure

125 VDC, check the voltage on either of the anode-igniter electrodes, as follows:

1.Connect the negative voltmeter lead to ground and the positive lead to either electrode. Be careful not to short the circuit by touching both an electrode and the cell body simultaneously. The reading obtained should be 125±10 VDC.


Teledyne Analytical Instruments

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Contents Series Series Teledyne Analytical InstrumentsSafety Messages Teledyne Analytical Instruments IiiSeries Additional Safety Information Combustible GAS UsageSeries Procedure for Removal of Internal Inaccessible Shock Hazards Teledyne Analytical Instruments ViiViii Table of Contents Operation Maintenance & Troubleshooting Appendix Appendix BList of Figures Teledyne Analytical Instruments XiiiList of Tables Main Features of the Analyzer IntroductionSeries Introduction Principle of Operation Analyzer DescriptionIntroduction Series Model 4060 Front Panel Interface Applications Modes of Operation Operational TheoryIntroduction Series Operational TheoryAnalyzer Subsystems Operational Theory SeriesSample System Internal Temperature Controllers Gas Flow Control SystemFuel and Blanket Air Systems Flame Ionization Detection CellTypical Piping Diagram for the Model Detection Cell Electrometer-Amplifier Flame Ionization CellAnode Power Supply Flame Guard CircuitFlame Ignition Circuit Unpacking the Analyzer InstallationSeries Installation Mounting the AnalyzerUser Connections Installation SeriesElectrical Power Connections Electronic ConnectionsModel 4060 Rear Panel with Optional Gas Manifold Equipment Interface Connector Pin Arrangement Pin Function Threshold Alarm System Alarm Remote Calibration Connections Range ID Relay Connections Pin out of 50 pin D-Sub Connector 2.10 RS-232 PortCommands via RS-232 Input Gas ConnectionsGas Connections Less than 0.5 PPM Placing the System in Operation Operation EquipmentSeries Operation Preliminary Power-Off Check List Activating the Support GasesOperation Series Carrier Gas Flame Ignition1 Air Span GasVerification of the Flame Guard Circuit Sample PumpAnalyzer Operation Ignition and/or Flame Guard Circuit FailureSeries Operation Default Parameters Style ConventionsNavigation and Data Entry EnterEscape Menu StructureMain Menus Span System Self-Diagnostic Test ALT-SPANModel Screen Alarms Function AL-1 Defeated AL-1 High AL-1 NON-FAILSAFE AL-1 NON-LATCHING Operation Series Analog Output Adjustment Range FunctionSetting up an AUTO-CAL LinearizationChanging Stream Autocal Password Group Setup Password ProtectionTiming Entering a Password Enter NEW Password Screen Repeat Password Entry Screen Logging OutStandby Series Operation Operation Series Teledyne Analytical Instruments Maintenance & Troubleshooting Series MaintenanceMaintenance Series Measuring Circuit Electrical ChecksAnode Voltage Check Printed Circuit Board Replacement Electronic StabilityTemperature Control Electronic Check Collector CableIgnition and/or Flame Guard Circuit Checks Sampling System Flame Guard and Anode Power Supply PCB Printed Circuit Board DescriptionsProportional Temperature Controller PCB Electrometer-Amplifier PCB Maintenance Series Specifications and Initial Settings AppendixSeries Appendix Recommended Spare Parts List Appendix SeriesAnalytical Instruments Drawing List PC Board AssembliesAppendix Series Teledyne Analytical Instruments B1 Addendum and Testing Results Appendix B