Be sure to read this section thoroughly and view the Do-It- Yourself Installation CDROM video in its entirety before starting the installation. Pay special attention to all warnings to prevent personal injury or damage to your vehicle.
Visit our 24-hour technical Web site (www.designtech-intl.com) to get a vehicle-specific wiring guide prior to starting this instal- lation. Have on hand your crash code number when contacting tech support or visiting the web site. During the installation if you are unable to answer your questions on the Web site, call 1- 800-477-1382 (to get hours of phone operation) for live tech- nical assistance.
warning! This system is intended for auto- matic, fuel-injected vehicles only. Installation in any other vehicle is contrary to its intend- ed use.
warning! On vehicles with air bags or sup- plemental restraint systems (SRS) you may notice a bright yellow tube with small wires in it marked SRS underneath the steering column near the key cylinder. DO NOT tamper or unplug these for any reason to prevent costly damages to your vehicle or personal injury. Tampering may cause unintended deployment of airbags.
warning! Verify that the vehicle is set to park and that the parking brake is set before beginning installation.
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