It is critical to identify the proper wires and locate the master switch to interface properly. Locate wires that show voltage when the switch is moved to the lock or unlock position. Cut one of the suspect wires and check operation of the locks from both switches. If one switch loses all operation in both directions then you have cut one of the correct wires and the switch that is entirely dead is the master switch. If both switches still operate in any way and one or more door motors have stopped responding entirely, you have cut a motor lead. Reconnect it and continue to test for another wire. Once both wires have been located and the master switch identified, cut both wires and interface as described in the following paragraphs.
caution: If these wires are not connected properly, you will send (+)12V directly to
■H2/2 WHITE/BLACK: Once both door lock wires are located and cut, connect the white/black wire to the master switch side of the lock wire. The master switch side will show (+)12V when the master switch is operated to the lock position and
■H2/3 GREEN/BLACK: Connect the green/black wire to the other side of the lock wire. This is the motor side of the lock wire and it goes to the lock motor through the slave switch.
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