DETERMINING THE PROPER RESISTOR VALUES: To determine the resistor values, the door lock switch/key cylinder must be isolated from the factory door lock system. For testing, use a calibrated digital multimeter that is set to ohms.
note: To ensure an accurate resistance reading, do not touch the resistor or leads during testing.
note: Please refer to the Door Locking Systems document on
1.Cut the output wire from the door lock switch/key cylinder in half.
2.Test with the meter from the switch side of the cut door lock switch/key cylinder wire to a reliable ground source. Some good ground references are the ground input source to the door lock switch/key cylinder or the battery ground.
3.Operate the door lock switch/key cylinder in both directions to determine the resistor values. If the multimeter displays zero resis- tance in one direction, no resistor is needed for that direction.
4.Once the resistor value(s) is determined, refer to the wiring dia- gram for proper wiring.
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