Camera recording
Note on Standby mode
If you leave the camcorder in Standby mode for 5 minutes while the cassette is inserted, the camcorder turns off automatically for saving battery power as well as for preventing the battery and tape from wearing down. To resume Standby mode, turn STANDBY down and up again. To start recording, press START/STOP.
Note on recording
When you record from the beginning of a tape, run the tape for about 15 seconds before starting the actual recording. This will ensure that you won’t miss any
Notes on the tape counter
•The tape counter indicates the recording or playback time. Use it as a guide. There will be a time lag of several seconds from the actual time. To set the counter to zero, press
•If the tape is recorded in SP and LP modes mixed, the tape counter shows incorrect recording time. When you intend to edit the tape using the tape counter as a guide, record in same (SP or LP) mode.
Note on the beep sound
The beep sounds when you operate the camcorder. Several beeps also sound as a warning of any unusual condition of the camcorder.
Note that the beep sound is not recorded on the tape. If you do not want to hear the beep sound, select “OFF” in the menu system.
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