2.2 Installing ContactStore
If a version of ContactStore is already installed, follow the instructions for Upgrading ContactStore
Before installing ContactStore software make sure that you have completed the following
1.Installed and verified the IP Office system for general telephony operation.
2.Added the ContactStore license to the IP Office configuration.
3.Installed the Voicemail Pro server application and verified general voicemail mailbox operation.
4.If ContactStore is to be installed on a separate machine from the Voicemail Pro server:
1.Check that the Voice Recording Library folder (by default c:\Program Files\Avaya\IP Office\Voicemail Pro\VM\VRL) on the Voicemail Pro server is visible as a network share from the ContactStore server.
2.Configure your security so that the ContactStore service can read and write to the share for that folder.
3.Create and set a registry key on the ContactStore server to tell ContactStore the location of the share. Set the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Alchemy\Voicemail\Directories\VRLDir to be a string containing the name of the share.
Install the ContactStore Software
1.Insert the ContactStore Distribution CD. Installation should
∙If the installation program does not start automatically, use Windows Explorer to access the CD drive and
2.Select the installation language. The language is used for the installation.
3.Click OK. Installation preparation begins. The Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for ContactStore window opens.
4.Click Next. The Choose Destination Location window opens.
5.Select the path into which to install the application.
6.Click Next. Installation will take a few minutes. When the software has been installed the InstallShield Wizard Complete window opens. The PostgreSQL will be installed automatically.
7.Click Finish.
8.To complete the installation reboot the server.
9.Connect the ContactStore server to the IP Office via the Local Area Network port.
10.Verify connection by entering http://myservername:8888/ in your browser, replacing myservername with the IP address or host name of the ContactStore.
Basic Configuration
1.Start ContactStore 22 . Enter a user name with a blank password. As the first user to log in, that user name will become the administrator for ContactStore.
2.When requested to change the password, leave the Old Password field blank and enter password for the administrator in the New Password and Verify New Password fields.
3.Select the option Server shown on the
4.The key setting that must be configured is the Call storage path. Set this to the location in which you want ContactStore to store recordings. Ideally this should be a dedicated partition.
5.Set the other server settings
24as required.
6.Using IP Office Manager, edit the IP Office configuration
40to have a selected user's outgoing calls recorded.
7.Test recording operation
The first time you access the Search and Replay page you will be asked to install an ActiveX control. For more information, see Starting ContactStore 22 .
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