Nikon f/4G IF instruction manual Recommended focusing screens, Lens care

Page 23

12. Recommended focusing screens

Various interchangeable focusing screens are available for certain Nikon SLR cameras to suit any picture-taking situation. The ones recommended for use with this lens are:


















F G2 G4 J

























― ― ―



F5+DP-30◎ ◎ ○ ◎ ◎ ― ○ ◎

― ◎ ― ◎

F5+DA-30◎ ◎ ○ ◎ ◎ ― ○ ◎

― ◎ ― ◎







◎: Excellent focusing

○: Acceptable focusing

Slight vignetting or moiré patterns appear in the viewfinder, but not on the film. ―: Not available.

( )Indicates degree of exposure compensation needed (Center-Weighted metering only). For F6 cameras, compensate by selecting “Other screen” in Custom Setting “b6: Screen comp.” and setting the EV level to -2.0 to +2.0 in 0.5 EV steps. When using screens other than type B or E, “Other screen” must be selected even when the required compensation value is “0” (no compensation required). For F5 cameras, compensate using Custom Setting #18 on the camera body. For F4-Series cameras, compensate using the Exposure Compensation Dial for the focusing screen.

See instruction manual of the camera body for more details.

Blank box means not applicable. Since type M screen can be used for both macrophotography at a 1:1 magnification ratio and for photomicrography, it has different applications than other screens.

For F5 cameras, only EC-B, B, E, J, A, L focusing screens are usable in Matrix Metering.

When using the B/B2/B3, E/E2/E3 and K/K2/K3 focusing screens in cameras other than those listed above, refer to the columns for the B, E and K screens.

13. Lens care

Clean the lens surfaces with a blower brush. To remove dirt and smudges, use a soft, clean cotton cloth or lens tissue moistened with ethanol (alcohol) or lens cleaner. Wipe in a circular motion from center to outer edge, taking care not to leave traces or touch other parts of the lens.

Never use thinner or benzene to clean the lens as this might damage it, result in a fire, or cause health problems.

When storing the lens in its lens case, attach both front and rear caps.

When the lens will not be used for a long time, store it in a cool, dry place to prevent mold. Also store the lens away from direct sunlight or chemicals such as camphor or naphthalene.

Do not get water on the lens or drop it in water as this will cause it to rust and malfunction.

Reinforced plastic is used for certain parts of the lens. To avoid damage, never leave the lens in an excessively hot place.



Image 23
Contents ED200-400mm f/4 if 安全上のご注意 熱くなる、煙が出る、こげ臭いなどの異常時は、速やかにカメラ の電池を取り出すこと Page Full On OFF Jp 1 フード はじめに ピント合わせの方法 AF作動機能の使い方(カメラによって対応が異なります。P.6参照) 手ブレ補正機能(対応カメラはP.6参照) 手ブレ補正機能の概念図 絞り値の設定 10. 組み込み式フィルターホルダー(図A、B) 12. ファインダースクリーンとの組み合わせ 14. 付属アクセサリー Page $ Slip-in filter holder knob Memory Set button NomenclatureLens hood Slip-in filter holder Lens hood screw Focus operation button CPU contactsIntroduction Major featuresTo limit the range of autofocus FocusingAutofocus with manual override M/A mode Memory set Using the Focus lock buttonUsing Focus preset Figs. H, I, J Set the Focus operation selection switch to Memory Recall Basic concept of vibration reduction Vibration reduction mode See page 16 for usable cameras Setting the vibration reduction ON/OFF switch Fig. F Setting the vibration reduction mode switch Fig. GLens hood HK-30 Focusing, zooming, and depth of fieldSetting the aperture Built-in rotating tripod collarSlip-in filter holder Fig. A, B Lens care Recommended focusing screensSpecifications Supplied accessoriesOptional accessories Page Verwendbare Kameras und verfügbare Funktionen NomenklaturMindesteinstellabstand von 2,0 m bei AF und 1,95 m bei MF EinführungDie wichtigsten Merkmale Aufnahmen aus einem bewegten FahrzeugBegrenzung des Autofokusbereichs FokussierenAutofokus-Modus mit manueller Einstellmöglichkeit M/A-Modus Stellen Sie den Fokussierschalter Abb. D auf M/ASpeicheraufruf FokusverriegelungNutzung der Fokus-Voreinstellung Abb. H, I und J SpeichereinstellungOFF Keine reduzierte Vibration Vibrationsreduktions-FunktionVerwendbare Kameras siehe auf Seite Grundlagen der VibrationsreduktionGegenlichtblende HK-30 Scharfeinstellung, Zoomen und TiefenschärfeBlendeneinstellung Eingebauter StativanschlußBlitzaufnahmen mit Kameras mit eingebautem Blitz Schutzscheibe für ObjektivEinsetzbarer Filterhalter Abb. a und B Pflege des Objektivs Empfohlene EinstellscheibenTechnische Daten ZubehörSonderzubehör Page Bouton mémoire Appareils utilisables et fonctions disponiblesInterrupteur de contrôle sonore Principales caractéristiques Fr bouton de mise au point sur lobjectif Autofocus avec priorité manuelle Mode M/ARéglez le commutateur de mode de mise au point Fig. D à M/A Mise au pointPrendre une photo Réglage mémoireSauvegardée Rappel mémoireOFF La vibration n’est pas réduite Mode réduction de la vibrationVoir page 36 pour les appareils photo utilisables Concept de base du système de réduction de la vibrationRemarques concernant la réduction de la vibration Réglage de l’ouvertureCollier de trépied rotatif intégré Pare-soleil HK-30Pas de 52mm Verre de protection d’objectifSupport de filtre à insérer Fig. A, B Prise de vues avec un appareil à flash intégréSoin de l’objectif Ecrans de mise au point recommandésCaractéristiques Accessoires fournisAccessoires en option Page Junta de goma de montaje del objetivo Contactos CPU NomenclaturaCámaras que puede utilizar y funciones disponibles Principales funciones IntroducciónPara limitar el rango del enfoque automático EnfoqueImportante Enfoque automático con prioridad manual Modo M/ARecuperación de memoria Ajuste de la memoriaAjústelo a Concepto básico de la reducción de vibración Modo de reducción de vibraciónConsulte la página 46 para ver las cámaras utilizables Notas sobre el uso de la reducción de la vibración Enfoque, zoom y profundidad de campoAjuste de abertura OFF No se reduce la vibraciónSoporte del filtro deslizable Fig. A, B Collar del trípode rotatorio integradoVisera del objetivo HK-30 Cristal protector del objetivoPantallas de enfoque recomendadas Especificaciones Forma de cuidar el objetivoAccesorios suministrados Accesorios opcionalesCalibrado en metros y pies desde 2 m 7 pie a infinito ∞ Collar del trípode únicamente desmontable DimensionesInterno manual por anillo de enfoque independiente De voz VCMTasto della memoria Fotocamere utilizzabili e funzioni disponibiliCaratteristiche principali Introduzione401x, F-401s, F-401 Messa a fuocoFuoco è stata salvata in memoria Blocco della messa a fuocoUso della preimpostazione della messa a fuoco Fig, H, I, J Impostazione della memoriaConcetto di base della riduzione delle vibrazioni Modalità di riduzione delle vibrazioniPer le fotocamere utilizzabili, vedere a pagina Vibrazioni su Normal o su Active Paraluce HK-30 Messa a fuoco, zoom e profondità di campoImpostazione dell’apertura Collare girevole incorporato per il cavallettoSchermi di messa a fuoco consigliati Portafiltro a inserimento Filtro NC avvitabile da 52 mm Accessori in dotazioneAccessori opzionali Cura e manutenzione dell’obiettivoCaratteristiche tecniche 適用的相機及可用的功能 主要特色 對焦操作選擇開關(AF-L/記憶回複/AF-ON)和對焦操作按鈕 可由相機或鏡頭啟動AF-鎖功能-按下任一按鈕都可鎖定焦距 ON: 輕按快門鈕時及快門被起動的瞬間﹐振動被減弱-由於觀景窗中的 聚焦﹑變焦與景深 10. 插入式濾光鏡架(圖A, B) 12. 請使用聚焦屏 14. 所提供的配件 Page Ch *4 備有2.0米(AF)及1.95米(MF)的最短對焦距離。 根據對焦操作選擇開關的位置不同,對焦操作按鈕的功能也有所不同﹕ 可由相機或鏡頭啟動AF。鎖功能。按下任一按鈕都可鎖定焦距。 減振模式(適用相機見 76頁 。) 本鏡頭不帶光圈環,因此,請在機身上設定光圈。 可用于 300mm或更遠的焦距設置 各種聚焦屏可通用於尼康SLR相機的任何相應的攝影場景。 下面所列可用於本鏡頭: 半軟盒 CL-L2(內有防震軟墊) 專用插入式濾光鏡架 52mm旋入式NC濾鏡 專用鏡頭保護鏡 專用鏡頭保護鏡片盒 Page