4. Storing Network Scanning Destinations
Network scanning destinations can be stored in Rapid Keys and Speed Dial numbers. The Rapid Keys and Speed Dial numbers can be in a personal book or in the COMMON book.
♦Scan to
♦To use Scan to FTP, the destination must be previously stored in a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number. A Scan to FTP destination can only be stored in a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number using the Web page.
♦To use Scan to Desktop, the Network Scanner Tool and Sharpdesk programs must be installed in the destination computer. The Network Scanner Tool automatically stores the computer as a Scan to Desktop destination, and for this reason, the Web page should not be used to store Scan to Desktop destinations. However, the Web page can be used to change the selected file format for a Scan to Desktop destination, copy a Scan to Desktop destination into a different address book, or delete a Scan to Desktop destination if the Network Scanner Tool has been uninstalled from the computer.
♦Fax destinations can also be stored in Rapid Keys and Speed Dial numbers using the Web page.