Nikon 98504 instruction manual Lens Care

Page 15


Although you should always keep the lens surfaces clean, rough cleaning must be avoided. Wipe with a soft, clean cotton cloth moistened with alcohol to re- move grease or fingerprints from the lens surfaces.

If you use ether in cleaning the lens, a smudge sometimes appears on the surface of a multi-coated lens. If this happens, wipe it again with a cotton doth moistened with alcohol,

To protect the lens surface from dirt or damage, the use of an L37C filter is recommended at ali times. The lens hood also helps to protect the lens.

Keep the lens cap in place whenever the lens is not in use.

Attach both the tront and rear caps when the lens is stored separately.

To ensure proper fit of the lens when stored in the leather lens case, set the lens' focusing ring to the infinity (°°) setting.


Image 15
Contents Zoom-Nikkor 35-135mm f/3.5-4.5 Gebrauchsanweisung Mode Demploi Manual DE InstruccionesEnglish Deutsch Page MjtFfsaiw-c t J 7 J I J y t 7*§*£-fc-tf Ox«x-s 9\zi. oxm&mmmtt JT*1 . fficttx H I s » y s a t raero 2 cnmmcot mm Z-WE ««T*i**ntf ««ffi»saa»-1.5m. sitflfK NwiriTiTr- -- -iiniiiiimwwMiiinininiiii n n Before Using the Lens NomenclatureMounting the Lens Macro Focusing Recommended Focusing ScreensFOCUS/ZOOM Flash Photography Variable ApertureDEPTH-OF-FIELD Scale Infrared PhotographyNon-TTL automatic or manual flash photography Picture angle 62 to SpecificationsAccessories Focal length 35mm to 135mm Maximum aperture f/3.5lo4Lens Care Nomenklatur VOR DER Benutzung DES ObjektivsEinsetzen DES Objektivs Hinweise Einstellung VON Entfernung UND BrennweiteMakroeinstellungd Empfohlene Einstellscheiben# « Anderungder BlendeTiefenscharfeskala BlitzlichtaufnahmenInfrarotaufnahmen Technische DatenGewlcht Ca g Objektivpflege ZubehorMontagea AVANT-PROPOSVerres DE Visee Recommandes Miseau POINT/ZOOMINGMise AU Point Macro Ouverture Variable B C D E Gl S2 G3 G4 HI H2 H3 H4 J K P M R T U«3,8 Echelle DE Profondeur DE Champ Conseils Pour LA Photographie AU FlashCaracteristiques AccessoiresSoins a Apporter a Votre Objectif Antes DE Utilizar EL Objetivo NomenclaturaPantallas DE Enfoque Recomendadas Montaje DEL ObjetivoEN Foqu E/EFECTO Zoom Enfoque MacroB c D E Gl G2 G3G4 HI H2 H3 H4 J K/P M R T u Abertura VariableIndicadores DE Profundidad DE Campo Fotografia CON FlashTamano de los accessorios 62mm de diam. P = 0,75mm Fotografia POR Rayos InfrarrojosEspecificaciones Accesorios Cuidados DEL ObjetivoSuministrado Opcionales Montaggio Dellobiettivo Prima DI Usare LobiettivoMessa a FUOCO/ZOOM Messa a Fuoco in MacroScherimi PER Messa a Fuoco Consigliati Apertura Variabile Angolo di campo 62 a AccessoriCaratteristiche Techiche Lunghezza focale 35mm a 135mm Apertura massima f/3,3 a 4,5Cura Defli Obiettivi Informazioni SU Fotografia CON Lampeggiatore Scala Profondita D\ CampoFotografia Allinfrarosso Nippon Kogaku K.K