Basic Binocular and Camera Setup continued
You are now finished setting up the binocular optics, and can just use the center knob (as you would on any standard binocular) to focus for any future photos or videos you take with the Instant Replay. To assure optimum sharpness, check your focus on the LCD, and adjust the center knob if necessary, before you snap the shutter.
How to Take A Still Photo
After following the initial setup as described in the previous section, you are ready to take a photo:
1)Turn on the power, raise the LCD display, and be sure the still photo/video switch is in the “still” (left) position.
2)The Instant Replay will default to the highest resolution and quality settings, as well as “everything on automatic” when it is turned on for the first time. If you prefer to use different settings, refer to the section “Using the Main Menu” for directions regarding how to find and change these settings.
3)Aim and focus on your subject while looking through the binocular.
4)Before taking a photo, check to make sure the subject appears sharp on the LCD. Pressing the “Up” arrow button will provide a 3x magnified preview that can help you fine tune the focus. Use the center focus knob if any adjustment is necessary.
5)Hold the camera as steady as possible with both hands and slowly squeeze the Shutter button. The display will go dark briefly while the file is stored, then you are ready to take another photo. The counter in the lower right corner will change to display the remaining photo capacity, which depends on the amount of internal or card memory available, as well as the resolution and quality settings (you may switch to lower settings at any time to “fit” more photos in the remaining memory). Note: the counter will not always go down by one number after each photo is taken, depending on resolution/quality settings and the photo subject, lighting, and other factors. When the counter reaches “000”, you are out of memory (storage space) and should download photos you wish to keep so they may be deleted, or you may remove and install another compact flash card.
6)Press the Display button if you wish to check the photo after you take it, then press “Display” again to return to a live preview. See the section “Reviewing & Deleting Photos” for more regarding reviewing previously taken photos.
How to Shoot A Video Clip
1)Turn on the power, raise the LCD display, and be sure the still photo/video switch is in the “video” (right) posi- tion.
2)Resolution and quality are fixed for video clips, but you may change the settings for Camera menu items such as: EV (exposure ), White Balance, and ISO (light sensitivity). See “Using the Main Menu” for directions.
3)Aim and focus on your subject while looking through the binocular.
4)Before shooting the video, check to make sure the subject appears sharp on the LCD. Pressing the “Up” arrow button will provide a 3x magnified preview that can help you fine tune the focus. Use the center focus knob if any adjustment is necessary.
5)Hold the camera as steady as possible with both hands and slowly squeeze the Shutter button to begin shooting video. The counter in the lower right corner of the LCD display will show the total seconds elapsed since you started recording. After every 30 seconds of recording, the video will begin to
6)After the video file is done saving (power indicator will return to green, folder icon is gone), press the “Display” button (you will see the first frame of your most recently recorded video), then press the right arrow button to play the video clip. Press Display again to return to a live preview. See the section “Reviewing & Deleting Photos” for more regarding reviewing previously taken videos.
1/28/05 2:47:40 PM