Mitsubishi Electronics FR-F700 instruction manual Explanation of the Operation Panel FR-DU07

Page 18

Explanation of the Operation Panel (FR-DU07)

Operation mode indication

PU: Lit to indicate PU operation mode.

EXT: Lit to indicate external operation mode.

NET: Lit to indicate network operation mode.

Unit indication

·Hz: Lit to indicate frequency.

·A: Lit to indicate current.

·V: Lit to indicate voltage.

(Flicker when the set frequency monitor is displayed.)

Monitor(4-digit LED)

Shows the frequency, parameter number, etc.

Setting dial

(Setting dial: Mitsubishi inverter dial)

Used to change the frequency setting and parameter values.

Rotation direction indication

FWD: Lit during forward rotation

REV: Lit during reverse rotation

On: Forward/reverse operation

Flickering: When the frequency command is

not given even if the forward/reverse command is given.

Monitor indication

Lit to indicate monitoring mode.

No function

Operation command forward rotation

Operation command reverse rotation

Stop operation

Alarms can be reset

Used to set each setting.

If pressed during operation, monitor


changes as below;















































































Used to change

* Energy saving monitor is displayed when the

each setting mode.


energy saving monitor of Pr. 52 is set.



Operation mode switchover

Used to switch between the PU and external operation mode.

When using the external operation mode (operation using a separately connected frequency setting potentiometer and start signal), press this key to light up the EXT indication. (Change the Pr.79 value to use the combined mode.) PU: PU operation mode

EXT: External operation mode



Image 18
Contents FR-F700 Energy savings for buildings and factories as a whole Outline Dimension Drawings Warranty InquiryConnection with Peripheral Devices Inverter FR-F700Amount Why Can the Inverter Save Energy?Damper control discharge side Inverter controlType FR-F720-K Standard SpecificationsRating Type FR-F740-KOperating status Common specificationsCan be selected Open collectorFR-F720-0.75K 110 FR-F720-1.5K 125 Outline Dimension DrawingsInverter Type FR-F740-0.75K to 2K are not provided With a cooling fanFR-F720-30K is Wiring coverFR-F740-15K, 18.5K Not provided with a295 185 FR-HEL-H75K FR-F740-90K 150 130 Inverter Type MassFR-F740-75K 140 120 310 190 FR-HEL-H90KMass kg DC reactor suppliedFR-F740-110KFR-HEL-H110K MassRemove the eye nut after installation of the product MassFR-F740-450KFR-HEL-H450K Remove the eye nut after installation of the productFR-F740-400KFR-HEL-H400K Parameter ListPanel FR-DU07 Panel cutting dimension drawingOutline drawing M3 screw CableMain circuit Terminal Connection DiagramOption connector Control circuitTerminal Specification Explanation TypeTerminal Name Description Relay Relay output 1 alarmPreset detected frequency. *1 OutputExplanation of the Operation Panel FR-DU07 Operation mode switchover SettingBasic operation Remarks Name Setting Range Increments Initial ValueParameter List Function24 to Jump102 100101 103143 135139 144180 178179 181263 261262 264882 867872 883Explanations of Parameters Maximum/minimumFrequency Jog operation Starting frequencyInput compensation of multi Speed and remote settingStall prevention operation Pr , 23, 48, 49, 66, 148, 149, 154, 156Setting Pr , 70 Selection of regeneration unitSpeed display and speed Pr , 54, 158, 170, 171, 268, 563, 564, 867 Pr.59 Setting Description Pr Remote setting functionConnection diagram Pr , 58, 162 to 165, 299Occurrence Retry function at alarmPr Energy saving control selection Use the constant torque motorPr , 240 Carrier frequency and SoftPWM selectionAnalog input selection Pr , 242, 243, 252, 253Pr. Noise elimination at the analog 74 input Pr. Reset selection, disconnected PU 75 detectionPr Output function of alarm code Pr Prevention of parameter rewriteOff Pr Pr Operation mode selectionPr. Simple magnetic flux vector 80, 90 control LED IndicationPr to Adjustable 5 points V/FCommunication initial setting Pr to 124, 331 to 337, 341 to 343Analog input bias/gain calibration Pr Pr Pr , C2902 to C7905Pr to 134, 575 to 577 PID control Analog input display unit changing PrSelection of action conditions Second function signal RTPr. Parameter unit display language 145 selection Pr Pr toPr to 196 output terminal Pr. Operation selection of the 161 operation panelTerminal assignment Function assignmentPr Increase cooling fan life Pr. Selection of motor stopping 250 method and start signalInput/output phase failure Pr to 247 Slip compensationPr Parameter for manufacturer setting. Do not set 261 to 266 power failurePower failure stop mode Pr.261 = Operation at instantaneousPr to 557 monitor signal To determine Maintenance time of partsPr to 497 REM signal Remote output functionPr to 899 Energy saving monitor Pr. Regeneration avoidanceFree parameter 882 to 886 functionParameter clear, parameter copy Pr PU contrast adjustmentPr. C0900, C1901 Adjustment of terminal FM AM calibration Pr , CL, ALLC, Er.CL, PcpyFunction Name Description Indication Error message *2 Minor fault *4 Major failures *5Protective Functions Regenerative overvoltage shutSupply short circuit RS-485 terminals power Was shorted Options Instructions MotorOption and Peripheral Devices OptionsOthers Controller/SpeedSeries ManualSpecifications, Structure, etc Stand-alone optionName type Name type Specifications, Structure, etc FR-BU-HK FR-BR-HKConnection example Cable Outline dimension drawingsExternal connection diagram Resistor unit Resistance Mass Type ValueHigh power factor Converter Outline dimension Unit mm FR-HC- HKApplication condition Circuit configuration and connectionApplication of the sine wave filter Capacitor for sine wave filterPeripheral devices list Standard Breaker EMC FilterOn mA Precautions for Operation/Selection Precautions for Peripheral Device Selection Noise Leakage currentsNoise reduction examples Input Target Measures Power Capacity Input Target Measures PowerThree 7kW Reference materials Phase Connect the AC reactor or DC reactor50Hz torque reference Application to Motor60Hz torque reference Suppressing the surge voltage on the inverter sideFR-F500 L FR-F700 Warranty FA Center in Asean FA Center in North AmericaFA Center in Taiwan FA Center in Korea