ITT SSV Symptom, Motor not Running, Power Consumption TOO High, Excessive Noise and Vibration

Page 13

9. Install a new seal housing o-ring on the seal hous-

ing. A lubricant can be used to hold the o-ring on

the diameter of the seal housing.

Carefully reinstall the seal housing between the

pump and motor shaft and slide the seal housing

down the shaft into position. Use caution when

mounting the sealhousing between the

pump/motor shaft so that the seal face

on the stationary seat is not damaged.

See step 9 in Figure 5.

10. Reinstall the 4 hex cap screws, tightening

the screws evenly and then torquing them

to the values given in the engineering

data. See step 10 in Figure 5.

11. Reinstall the coupling pin and locate the

space shim on the shaft on the seal

housing. If the shim is not available, a

5 mm spacer can be used. See step 11 in

Figure 5.

12. Reinstall the coupling halves and evenly

tighten the coupling bolts and torque

them to the values given in the coupling

section. Remove the spacer shim and save

for future use. See step 12 in Figure 5.

13. Rotate the shaft by hand to insure that

the pump and motor rotate freely.

9.Rotate the shaft by hand to insure that the pump and motor rotate freely. Reinstall the coupling guard.

10.Use vent connections on cartridge seal for proper venting.

To remove the motor follow steps 1 through 4, as provided in the “MECHANICAL SEAL REPLACE- MENT” section of this manual.

For motor frames 213TC and larger, remove the 4 motor hex cap screws and the motor adapter.

Install the motor adapter flange onto the new motor, torquing the 4 hex cap screws to the values provided in the “ENGINEERING DATA” section of this manual.

Complete the reassembly following steps 17 through 22 in the “MECHANICAL SEAL REPLACE- MENT” section of this manual.

All additional unit service or maintenance, not ad- dressed in this manual, should be performed at a qualified service location. Contact your local dealer or G&L Pumps distributor for assistance.

Reinstall the coupling guard.

14. The pump and system should be vented

prior to starting the pump. See Section 3,

page 8, for venting procedures.


Hazardous voltage



1.Complete steps 1-4 as defined above for conventional seals.

2.Loosen the 4 set screws located around the ID of the pump shaft.

3.Remove the cartridge seal using the two tapped holes provided on the gland of the cartridge seal by threading two of the hex cap screws into these holes and evenly tightening these screws. Lift and remove the cartridge seal between the pump and motor shaft.

4.Inspect the pump shaft for any burrs or debris. Any burrs should be ground smooth with (fine grit) emery paper.

5.Install a new o-ring on the turned fit of the new cartridge seal. Lubricate the o-ring located in the ID of the cartridge seal. Use a lubricant compat- ible with the seal elastomers to hold the o-ring.

6.Install the new cartridge seal on the pump by care- fully sliding it between the pump and motor shaft and then sliding it into position.

7.Complete steps 11-14 as defined above for the conventional seals.

8.After installing the coupling, tighten the four set screws located in the collar of the cartridge seal to secure the seal to the pump shaft.


See Probable Cause – 1 through 5

LITTLE OR NO LIQUID DELIVERED BY PUMP See Probable Cause – 6 through 12


See Probable Cause – 3, 12, 13, 15


See Probable Cause – 3, 6 - 8, 10, 12, 13, 16


1.Motor thermal protector tripped.

2.Open circuit breaker or blown fuse.

3.Impellers binding.

4.Motor improperly wired.

5.Defective motor.

6.Pump is not primed, air or gases in liquid.

7.Discharge, suction plugged or valve closed.

8.Incorrect rotation (three phase only).

9.Low voltage or phase loss.

10.Impellers worn or plugged.


Image 13
Contents ITT Subject Number of Stages SV a 1 D 2 B 0 HDriver Hertz/RPMExample Product Code Read this manual before installing and using the product Maintain ALL Safety DecalsMinimum Inlet Suction Pressure Pump Number Maximum Stages Inlet Pressure PhaseSeries At 250º F PSI / Bar Pump Size3SV AnchoringInches mm Site SelectionShim Piping203 Priming/Venting Wiring and GroundingMachinery HazardousVoltage Motor LubricationCode Rotary Stationary Upper plate, as requiredPage Power Consumption TOO High SymptomMotor not Running Excessive Noise and VibrationMotor Motor Bolt Torque ValuesCoupling 4SV 33-92SVPage Less Piston With Piston Size Stage Motor Rotation Flow Direction and Motor RotationSeries 5SV and 6SV 3SV and 4SVIM018R07 March Modèle SSV Série G&L Series Série Series SujetExemple DE Code DE Produit Code et choix de dispositifs d’étanchéité Choix de pompesCarcasse de moteur = abritée = fermée autoventilée = antidéflagrantePression D’ASPIRATION Minimale Consignes DE SécuritéPompe Pompe Étages MPa Bars, lbf/po²Débit min 500 r/min 900 r/min Pompe 33SV 46SV 66SV 92SV Débit min 500 r/minMm po NON Oblique EN Haut TuyauterieRéglage DE LA Position DE Larbre DE Pompe CaleRaccordement À LA Tuyauterie Données TechniquesCâblage ET Mise À LA Terre Lubrification DU Moteur MachinerieÉlasto Usage Code ÉlémentCode Code ET Choix DE Dispositifs DétanchéitéPage Ture Mécanique AnomalieVibration ET Bruit Excessifs Cause ProbableMoteur Couple DE SerrageAccouplement Adaptateur 1SV à 4SV 33SV à 92SVTirants d’assemblage Joint torique Garniture mécaniqueTubulure de pompe en inox Socle de pompe Joint torique denveloppe extérieure Joint torique de garniture mécaniqueRondelle d’accouplement Rondelle de roue Plaque-logementde dispositif d’étanchéitéPompe Étages Sens de rotation Sens DE Rotation ET D’ÉCOULEMENTSéries 5SV et 6SV IM018R07 Mars Serie G&L Modelo SSV SERIES/SÉRIE/SERIES TemaOpciones de juntas herméticas mecánicas Ejemplo DE Código DE ProductoNúmero de etapas Accionamientos Material y succión/descargaOpciones de sellado Opciones para la bomba opcionalCarcasa del motor Voltaje del motorInstrucciones DE Seguridad Series 250º F PSI / Bar Bomba Número Presión máxima De etapas De entradaTamaño de la bomba Nº de arranquesPulgadas mm Tuberías Alineación AngularCableado Y Conexión a Tierra Conexión DE AguaCEBADO/VENTILACIÓN Funcionamiento Opciones DE Juntas Herméticas Mecánicas Lubricación DEL MotorIntervalo Entorno de Servicio NúmeroGiratorio Recambio DE Juntas Herméticas Mecánicas Tamaños 33SV-92SVPage Causa Probable SíntomaPerno Brida del Acoplamiento Valores DE TorqueDel motor Adaptador 4SV 33-92SV Tuercas de VentilaciónComponentes Principales DE 1SV, 2SV, 3SV Y 4SV SIN Pistón CON Pistón Tamaño Etapa Dirección DE Flujo Y Rotación DEL MotorSeries 5SV y 6SV ObsoletasDeclaration of Conformity