Panasonic CU-E9CKP5, CU-E12CKP5 manual ËËÚÛ‡ˆËfl, ÍÓ„‰‡ ÌÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏ ÒÓ˜Ì˚È ‚˚ÁÓ‚ ÒÔˆˇÎËÒÚ‡ ÙËÏ˚

Page 92

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Haжмитe кнопкy TIMER (тaймep)


, чтобы ycтaновить код




Пpи покaзaнном пpaвильном кодe ошибки пpозвyчит звyковой cигнaл “бип” (4 paзa).

Bыключитe иcточник питaния и вытaщитe вилкy из иcточникa питaния. Cообщитe код ошибки официaльномy дилepy.

B Áa‚ËcËÏÓcÚË ÓÚ ÚÓ„Ó, ÍaÍËe 3 cËÏ‚ÓÎa ÓÚÓ·paÊeÌ˚, ÏÓÊeÚ ‰ÓÔycÍaÚ¸cfl ‚peÏeÌÌafl ˝ÍcÔÎyaÚaˆËfl.





Oпиcaниe peжимa











Aвapийный peжим

paбoты c









(Cвeтодиод тaймepa



TIMER пpодолжaeт






BpeÏeÌÌafl ˝ÍcÔÎyaÚaˆËfl

1.Haжмитe кнопкy MODE (peжим) и выбepитe Oбогpeв или Oxлaждeниe.

2.Haжмитe кнопкy OFF/ON (вкл./выкл.) (cлышeн cигнaл ‘бип! бип! бип! бип!’ ).

Иcпользyйтe тaкой peжим вpeмeнно, до возможноcти выполнeния peмонтa.


Image 92
Contents 11 P 21 P31 P 41 PContents FeaturesOperation Precautions Safety PrecautionsInstallation Precautions Accessories Name of Each PartIndoor Unit Outdoor UnitRemote Control Preparation Before Operation HOW to Operate Setting TemperatureSetting Mode Open the front panelSetting the Fan Speed Setting the Vertical Airflow DirectionLouver adjustment range Setting the Horizontal Airflow DirectionSetting the Timer Convenience OperationCare and Maintenance Helpful Information Energy Saving and Operation HintsBefore calling your dealer, refer to the checklist When the Timer LED at indoor unit blinksCall the Dealer Immediately Temporary operationÍndice CaracterísticasPerigo CuidadoRecomendações DE Segurança Recomendações de InstalaçãoRecomendações de Funcionamento Ligação inadequada poderá causar risco de choque eléctricoDescríção DAS Peças Unidade InteriorUnidade Exterior AcessóriosControlo Remoto Preparação Antes DE Utílizar Como Utilizar O Aparelho Ajuste da velocidade do ventilador FAN AquecimentoAjuste da direcção vertical do fluxo de ar Gama de ajuste dos deflectoresNota Programar O TemporizadorUtilização Prática Inspecção Recomendada Limpeza do painel frontalInspecção Pré-Temporada Informações Úteis Contactar o serviço de Assistência imediatamente Problema ? De chamar o seu agente, consulte a lista de verificaçõesVerificar RazãoInhalt Besondere MerkmaleWarhinweise AchtungSicherheitshinweise VorsichtMontagehinweise Wichtige BetriebshinweiseBezeichnung DER Geräteteile InnengerätAußengerät ZubehörFernbedienung Betriebsvorbereitungen Bedienung Einstellung der Ventilatordrehzahl Lamelleneinstellbereich HinweiseHinweise zu den Betriebsarten Cool Kühlbetrieb Auto AutomatikbetriebEinstellen DES Timers KomfortbetriebPflege UND Wartung Nützliche Hinweise Tips ZU Betrieb UND EnergieeinsparungBlinken der Timer-LED am Innengerät StörungssucheWenden Sie Sich direkt an Ihren Händler Vorübergehender BetriebAvertissement SommaireCaracteristiques Mode D’EMPLOI Précautions D’installationPrécautions de Fonctionnement Ce climatiseur doit être branché à Une prise de terreAccessoires NOM DE Chaque PièceAppareil D’intérieur Appareil D’extérieurTélécommande Mode de réglage Comment Utiliser IappareilRéglage de la Température Pour mettre en marcheAuto Fonctionnement en Mode Automatique DRY Fonctionnement en Mode DéhumidificationHeat Fonctionnement en mode Chauffage Réglage de la vitesse du ventilateurRéglage DE LA Minuterie Fonctions PratiquesSoin ET Entretien Information Utile Economies D’ENERGIE ET Conseils D’UTILISATIONRésolution DE Problèmes Avant d’appeler votre vendeur, vous reporter à la listeAppelez Immédiatement un Dépanneur Fonctionnement temporaireInhoud KenmerkenWaarschuwing Pas OpInstallatie-aanwijzingen VeiligheidsmaatregelenGebruiksaanwijzingen Deze airconditioner moet worden GeaardBenaming VAN DE Onderdelen Binnen-unitBuiten-unit Binnen-unitAfstandsbediening Voorbereiding Voor Gebruik Gebruiksaanwijzing Instelling van de ventilatorsnelheid FAN VerwarmingKoeling Drogen OpmerkingenInstellen VAN DE Timer Gemakkelijk GebruikWerking in krachtige stand Werking in stille standVerzorging EN Onderhoud Hulpzame Informatie Tips Voor Energiebesparing EN BedieningTijdelijke bediening HET Oplossen VAN ProblemenBel onmiddellijk een Stek erkende dealer Sommario CaratteristicheAvvertenze AttenzionePrecauzioni nell’installazione Non installare, rimuovere e reinstallare l’unità da soliPrecauzioni PER LA Sicurezza Precauzioni per il funzionamentoUnita’ interna Unita’ esterna AccessoriIdentificazione Parti Telecomando Inserimento delle batterieSegnale telecomando Informazioni sulle batteriePreparazione Prima DELL’USO MODALITA’ D’USO Impostazione della temperaturaPer avviare l’unità Impostazione del modoImpostazione della velocità della ventola Impostazione del flusso d’aria in direzione verticaleSerie di regolazioni aletta Nota Impostazione del flusso d’aria in direzione OrizzontaleImpostazione DEL Timer Temporizzatore Funzioni DI ConvenienzaCura E Manutenzione Pulitura dell’unità interna e del telecomandoInformazioni Utili Risparmio Energetico E ConsigliIl tipo di problema Se lampeggia la spia LED Timer sull’unità internaChiamate immediatamente il rivenditore Autorizzato Funzionamento temporaneoÐåñéå÷üìåíá 65~66Ðñoöõëáîåéó Áóöáëåéáó Oíoìáóéá ÔÙÍ Åîáñôçìáôùí Ôçëå÷åéñéóôÞñéï Ðñoåôoéìáóéá Ðñéí ÁÐO ÔÇ Ôñoðoó Xåéñéóìoõ Heat Ñõèìéóç ÔOÕ Xñoíoäéáêoðôç Öñoíôéäá ÊÁÉ Óõíôçñçóç Xñçóéìåó Ðëçñoöoñéåó Åðéëõóç Ðñoâëçìáôùí Advertencia PrecauciónPrecauciones al Instalar Advertencia Precauciones al Operar AdvertenciaNo instale ni desinstale ni reinstale la unidad usted mismo Sino habrá pérdidas de aguaUnidad Interior Unidad ExteriorAccesorios Unidad InteriorControl Remoto Ajuste del modo Ajuste de la temperaturaPara iniciar el funcionamiento Ajuste de la velocidad del ventilador FAN CalentamientoAjuste de la dirección vertical del flujo de aire Alcance del ajuste de la aletas NotasFuncionamiento en modo plena potencia NotasFuncionamiento en modo silencioso Detalles de funcionamientoLimpieza de la Unidad Interior y el Control Remoto Limpieza de los Filtros de AireLimpieza del Panel Frontal Inspección de PretemporadaBotón de funcionamiento automático Control de AutorecomienzoAjuste del Temporizador Tormentas Electricas¿Problema? 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CS-E12CKP, CS-E15CKP, CU-E15CKP5, CU-E12CKP5, CS-E9CKP specifications

The Panasonic CU-E9CKP5 and associated models, including the CS-E9CKP, CU-E12CKP5, CU-E15CKP5, and CS-E15CKP, represent a pivotal advancement in home air conditioning technology. These units are designed to deliver efficient cooling and heating solutions for residential and small commercial spaces, encapsulating a blend of performance, energy efficiency, and user-friendly features.

One of the standout features is the advanced Inverter technology used across the range. This technology allows the air conditioners to modulate the compressor's speed, ensuring precise temperature control. By adjusting to the cooling demand, these units minimize energy consumption while maintaining comfort levels. As a result, users can expect significant reductions in energy bills compared to traditional fixed-speed models.

Another noteworthy characteristic is the R32 refrigerant used in these units. This eco-friendly refrigerant has a lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) compared to its predecessors, contributing to a reduced environmental impact. This aligns with the global push for greener technologies and reflects Panasonic's commitment to sustainability.

The CU-E9CKP5, CU-E12CKP5, and CU-E15CKP5 models are equipped with features such as a silent operation mode, ensuring minimal noise pollution, which is ideal for nighttime use or quiet environments. Additionally, these air conditioners incorporate a well-designed air filter system that enhances indoor air quality by capturing dust, allergens, and other particles.

User convenience is further enhanced by the inclusion of a dedicated remote control and intuitive settings that allow users to schedule operations, adjust temperatures, and engage the turbo mode for rapid cooling when necessary. The sleek design of the indoor units also complements modern interiors while optimizing airflow.

Furthermore, these air conditioning systems boast durability and reliability. Built with high-quality materials, they are designed to withstand various climatic conditions while providing consistent performance. Regular maintenance is also simplified, helping to prolong the lifespan of the units.

In summary, the Panasonic CU-E9CKP5, CS-E9CKP, CU-E12CKP5, CU-E15CKP5, and CS-E15CKP air conditioning units are engineered for efficiency, sustainability, and user comfort. Combining innovative technologies and eco-friendly features, these models stand out as a robust choice for consumers seeking reliable and effective climate control solutions.