Special Information about your 9516CW
If a power failure occurs while you are on your call, your call will not be disconnected. Your 9516CW is capable of maintaining your call during a power failure.
If a power failure occurs while you are on a handset call:
• Your call will continue as usual with no interruptions.
If a power failure occurs while you are on a handsfree call:
• Your call is automatically placed on hold.
• Lift thePleasewaithandset to...retrieve the call.
Note: Jan01The displ12:00y onamyour 9516CW will be blank during the power interruption.
When power is restored to the telephone, it will
for approximatelyCllJan01is12:00on15holdsecondsam .
Note: If you did ot retrieve your handsfree call before power was restored, the telephone will display will show:
after the “Pleasewait...” display is cleared.
•If you subscribe to Calling Line Identification services from your local telephone com- pany, the date and time will be automatically reset for you after receiving your first incoming call. If you do not subscribe to Calling Line Identification services, you must
set the date and time manually. See Setting the date and time | on page 10 in the |
9516CW Installation and User Guide for more information. |
•All stored Directory items and call information in the Callers List in your 9516CW will be saved during a power failure.