Lincoln Electric IM915 manual Parameter Definition Push-Pull Gun Knob behavior, Sense From Studs

Page 36


































Push-Pull Gun Knob behavior







This option determines how the potentiometer on the Push/Pull torch will behave.







Gun Pot Enabled = The welding wire feed speed is always controlled by the potentiometer on the push-






pull gun (default). The left front panel knob is only used to adjust Start and Crater wire feed speed.







Gun Pot Disabled = The wire feed speed is always controlled by the left front panel knob. This setting is






useful when the operator wishes to have wire feed speed settings recalled from memories and not have






the potentiometer "overwrite" the setting.







Gun Pot Proc A = When in procedure A, the welding wire feed speed is controlled by the potentiometer on






the push-pull gun. When in procedure B, the welding wire feed speed is controlled by the left front panel






knob. This setting allows a fixed wire feed speed to be selected in procedure changes.












Display Trim as Volts Option







This option determines how trim is displayed.







False = The trim is displayed in the format defined in the weld set (default).







True = All trim values are displayed as a voltage.












Arc Start/Loss Error Time







This option can be used to optionally shut off output if an arc is not established, or is lost for a specified






amount of time. Error 269 will be displayed if the machine times out. If the value is set to OFF, machine






output will not be turned off if an arc is not established nor will output be turned off if an arc is lost. The






trigger can be used to hot feed the wire (default). If a value is set, the machine output will shut off if an arc






is not established within the specified amount of time after the trigger is pulled or if the trigger remains






pulled after an arc is lost. This is disabled while welding in Stick, TIG or Gouge. To prevent nuisance






errors, set Arc Start/Loss Error Time to an appropriate value after considering all welding parameters (run-






in wire feed speed, weld wire feed speed, electrical stick out, etc). To prevent subsequent changes to Arc






Start/Loss Error Time, the setup menu should be locked out by setting Preference Lock = Yes using the






Power Wave Manager software.












Sense From Studs







Use this option for diagnostic purposes only. When power is cycled, this option is automatically reset to













False = Voltage sensing is automatically determined by the selected weld mode and other machine set-






tings (default).







True = Voltage sensing is forced to "studs".












Sense Leads Selection







Used in place of DIP switches for configuration of the work and electrode sense leads. This option will






only appear in the list if the power source has a hardware selection option.







67 pos polarity = An electrode sense lead is connected using positive polarity. This is used by most






GMAW welding procedures.







67 neg polarity = An electrode sense lead is connected using negative polarity. This is used by most






GTAW welding procedures and some Innershield procedures.







67 & 21 = An electrode sense lead and work sense lead are connected.







Hardware Config = The hardware determines the best remote sensing configuration. This is applicable to






MIG welding procedures only.












Voltage Sense Display







Allows viewing of Voltage Sense Lead Selection to aid in troubleshooting. The configuration is displayed






as a text string on the lower display whenever the output is enabled. This parameter is not saved on a






power cycle, but will be reset to False.











Image 36
Contents Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder July Safety Depends on YouSafety Electric Shock can kill Welding and Cutting Sparks can Cause fire or explosion IiiPrécautions DE Sûreté Thank You TAbLE of Contents Vii SPEC.# Type Input Power Temperature RatingPower Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder Welding Capacity RatingElectric Shock can kill LocationMounting Weld CAbLE SIzINGPower Source COAxIAL Weld CAbLESElectrode Work DIP Switch #7 Position Polarity Negative Electrode PolarityWelding Gun/Wire Feeder Trigger Connector Wire FeederPower Source Pin Function Wire Feeder Pin FunctionChanging Drive Rolls and Wire Guides DescriptionDrive Roll Pressure Setting Changing the GUN Receiver bUSHINGWelding GUNS, Torches and ACCES- Sories GUN Receiver bUSHINGMagnum GUN and CAbLE ASSEMbLIES Wire Feed Shut Down Circuit Changing the Gear RatioTo change the gear ratio Wire Reel Loading DIP Switch #8 Position Gear RatioSpindle Placement Loading 16 to 44 lb .3 20kg SpoolsUsing K1504-1 Coil Reel Figure A.10Weld Wire Routing Loading 30 lb .6 kg Readi-Reels See Figure A.11Removing a Readi-Reel Shielding GAS Connection Cylinder may explode if damagedBUILDUP OF SHIELDING GAS may harm health or kill ExAMPLES of Connecting AN Arclink Power Wave System Fumes and Gases can be dangerous Welding Sparks can cause fire or explosionARC Rays can burn Common Welding AbbREVIATIONSProduct Description Recommended ProcessesRequired Equipment Additional Required EquipmentCV Welding Pulse Welding or STT Welding Front Panel Controls and Connections Status LED Volts / Trim Display Prior to WeldingSynergic CV Voltage Display Mode Select Panel 4 MSP4 OverviewLAYOUT-CONTROLS see Figure b.3 LAYOUT-DIGITAL DisplayPOWER-UP Sequence Changing Weld ModesChanging ARC Wave Control Infrared IR ControlLimit Setting Machine SETUP/USER PreferencesAccessing the Machine Setup Menu SET-UP Features Menu Figure b.3a Setup MenuUser Defined Parameters Parameter Definition Procedure Change Method Stall Factor AdjustmentParameter Definition Gun Offset Adjustment Crater DelayReset Consumable Weight TIG Gas ControlArc Start/Loss Error Time Parameter Definition Push-Pull Gun Knob behaviorDisplay Trim as Volts Option Sense From Studs100 View Diagnostics 107 View Power Source ProtocolParameter Definition Show Test Modes 102 View Fatal Logs503 Memory button Disable 504 Mode Select Panel Lock505 Setup Menu Lock Parameter Definition 501 Encoder LockoutOnly be accessed using Power Wave Manager software Parameter Definition 506 Set User Interface Passcode509 UI Master Lockout Cold Feed / GAS Purge Switch Step / 4-STEP Trigger SwitchStep Trigger Operation Step Trigger Operation Sequence of OperationFigure b.5 Process Setup and Operation Non- SynergicModes Steel and Stainless Synergic GMAW-P Pulsed MIG Welding ARC ControlPulse-on-Pulse Welding Machine Functionality bY Weld Process CC Stick ModesOutput Control KNObS, Weld Mode 5 Process Weld ModeCV GMAW/FCAW NON-SYNERGIC CV NON-SYNERGIC ModesWire SIzE 030 035 045 052 Gmaw SynergicSynergic CV Modes Material Process GASWire SIzE Pulse and PULSE-ON-PULSE SynergicPulse and PULSE-0N-PULSE Modes MAW-S TT WE L D Mode STT and STT II NONN-SYNERGICWIR E S IZE 035 045 052Gtaw TIG Welding Gtaw Touch Start TIG WeldingTouch Start TIG All Metals Touch Start TIGWeld Mode Searching Searching for a Weld ModeUser Memories Limit Setting Enable Accessories OptionalAccessories Lb. coils to 2 spindles Safety Precautions Routine MaintenancePeriodic Maintenance CALIbRATION SpecificationTROUbLESHOOTING PRObLEMS SymptomsPOSSIbLE Cause Recommended Course of ActionArclink System Error Codes Your local Lincoln Authorized Output PRObLEMS TROUbLESHOOTING PRObLEMS POSSIbLE Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder14.56 18.48 15.80 30.46Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder Power Feed 10M Single Wire Feeder Precaucion Warnung